Chapter 19

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
Today was the day the Volturi was coming. I stood in between my parents with Nessie right behind me, the witnesses and my family all spread out behind us.

"If we live though this I'll follow you anywhere, woman." I hear Garrett say to Kate.

"Now you tell me." She muttered. Suddenly I saw people coming from the other side of the field, all of them wearing black and red with a black cloak pulled over their heads, I could also see the sun reflecting off of the pendants on their necks. All the vampires had bright red eyes that were seemingly glaring at everything, their footsteps were almost silent as the snow crunched under their boots.

"The red coats are coming, the red coats are coming." Garrett said to himself. I gripped mums hand tighter as Nessie put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it letting me know that she was still with me. I look over all of them as they walked towards us. A man with black hair and red eyes —Aro, I think—kept looking over our witnesses as if he was looking for someone.

"Aro is looking for Alice." Dad muttered leaning to mum slightly. I hear howling and growling, I glanced back to see the wolves coming out from the forest. I looked to my right to see Jacob in his wolf form stop next to mum.

The Volturi came to a sudden stop, taking the hoods of their cloaks down, it was silent the only sounds was the wind howling and the trees brushing against each other

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The Volturi came to a sudden stop, taking the hoods of their cloaks down, it was silent the only sounds was the wind howling and the trees brushing against each other. I looked over the Volturi again seeing that some stood out more than others, I look at the three Kings seeing that the black haired one was obviously the one to have the last decision. I move my eyes to their guard seeing a blonde and brunette stood out the most, I could feel that they had powers. Grandpa Carlisle spoke up interrupting my thoughts.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we use to, in a civilised manner." Grandpa Carlisle spoke softly, taking a couple steps forward.

"Fair words Carlisle, but a little out of place given the battalion you assembled against us." Aro said, he gestured to all the vampires and wolves behind me.

"I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken." Grandpa Carlisle said calmly.

"We see the child, do not treat us as fools!" A man with blonde hair hissed.

"She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that. You can look, see the flesh of human blood in her cheeks." Grandpa Carlisle exclaimed as he gestures to me.

"Artifice!" The blonde haired man, Caius yelled.

"I will collect every facet of the truth, but from someone more central from the story. Edward, as the child clings to your newborn mate..I assume you are involved." Aro said.

Dad looks at mum then down at me with a smile, he put his hand on my head before he begins to walk towards them. As soon as dad reaches them Aro eagerly grabs his hand, before going through his memories, Aro then lets go of dads hand with a gasp.

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