Chapter 25

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Lizzie's P.O.V
"Okay everyone, I need your permission slips," Miss. Molina tells us, my family and I hand the teacher our permission slips before getting on the bus. Alex, his sister and their friends sit in front of us.

"Hey Alex." Jill said.

"Oh, hey Jill."

"You know, I wanted to ask you if-if uh, I know it's like a month away, but do you uh, maybe want to-to go to prom, with me?" Jill stutters while asking my twins mate to prom. "So, what...what do you think?"

"Oh, prom," He says awkwardly. "Dancing, not for me, uh I have something that weekend anyway, Lynn and I going to Jacksonville this weekend anyway," He says making mum and dad share a look.

"You can't go another weekend?" She asks sadly.

"Non refundable ticket," Lynn says shrugging her shoulders. "You should ask Erika, I know she wants to go with you," Lynn tells her, trying to not be harsh to him. She nods her head with a smile, going over to sit by Erika who gave her a quick hug.


"Yo yo yo, guys we gotta go we gotta go, green is what?" Miss. Molina asks. "good," She says. Nessie and I are walking in front of Alex and Lynn, through all the isles of plants and compost. Miss. Molina is rambling on about how compost is good, and about making compost tea.

'Gross' I thought as Tyler takes the compost tea. Nessie suddenly stops, making the twins come to a halt. I roll my eyes and walk next to my parents.

"What's in Jacksonville?" She asks him.

"How did you know about that?" He questions. She pauses for a minute.

"I--You didn't answer my question," She says. 

"Well you don't answer any of mine so..." She said to him.

"I mean, you don't even say hi to us." Lynn snaps at her.

"Hi," She says quietly.

"Are you going to tell us about what happened in the woods?" He asks her, turning to face her.

"Yeah, I had an adrenaline rush, it's very common, you can google it," She tells them. I roll my eyes at her excuses. 'More like you used your supernatural vampire speed.' Dad chuckled obviously reading my thoughts. "And the bear was alive when we were there, we were trying to help it."

"Floridience, that's what's in Jacksonville," He said before Lynn trips over a loose hose, causing her to bump into me, mum and dad caught me before I fell.

"Can you watch where you walk" Dad said angrily, making me frown. "Are you okay Lizzie?"

"Are you okay Lynn?" Nessie asks, making mum glare at her.

"Her! She's the one that bumped into Elizabeth." Mum said before her and dad pulled me away from them and over to the rest of our family.

"Look, I'm-I'm sorry about Edward and Bella. I—" She started to say before she is interrupted by Erika coming up to them.

"Alex, Lynn guess who just asked me to prom?" She says as she pulled them away from Nessie and to her.  I see Nessie roll her eyes, letting out a sigh, before walking away towards us.

"Are you okay Lizzie?" Nessie asks.

"Like you care." Jacob snaps.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." I say walking off with Jacob.


It's the end of the trip, and everyone is outside. I was with my family and Jacob. We all start to walk over to the bus, I then hear footsteps behind us so I look back and see Alex walking fast to try and catch up to us.

"Look Alex, I don't think we should be friends." Renesmee states, making me frown at her.

"You really should have figured that out a little earlier," Lynn said to her, walking over to us.

"Why? Is it because of them?" Alex said pointing to us.

"It's rude to point." I say making Emmett let out a big laugh.

"You don't know anything." Rose says. 

"Are you two going to be riding with us?" Alice asks them.

"No, our bus is full," Dad says as he bangs his fist on the door, letting the bus driver know to open the doors.


A/N- I may have forgotten about Jacob, that's why he wasn't in some of the chapters before. I also have a plan for Lynn.
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