Chapter 23

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
I was standing with my family, next to my mum the next day, Renesmee was staying at home with Esme. I see Lynn and Alex pull up and walk over to their friends. As I talk with my family I feel someone staring at us, I look over my shoulder to see Alex staring once he sees I'm looking he quickly looks away.

"Alex was staring." I say. "I'm guessing it has something to do with Renesmee."

"Do you think he's going to be like Bella and not stop until he knows why she isn't here." Emmett says with a grin.

"I was not like that." Mum defends herself with a glare.

"You kinda were." Jasper said with a smirk. Mum huffs and pulls me inside the school building, leaving our family laughing to themselves.


Renesmee hasn't been in school for the past week and it's boring without her. I'm sitting next to Lynn as miss. Molina goes on about something.

"Can I ask something." Lynn whispers. I look over at her and nod my head. "Why hasn't Renesmee been in school."

"Not that it's any of your business, but she's not feeling well." I say.


After getting ready for school, Nessie and I head outside going to dads car where mum, dad and Jake was wanting.

"Ready?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, let's go," I say getting in the car after Nessie.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I ask my sister quietly.

"Positive." She says.


As we get to school we find an empty parking spot next to Emmet's jeep and pull in. After History and Lunch, we head to Biology.

"Hey Renesmee, feeling better?" Matt asks, I walk away from their conversation, heading to my seat, I drop my bag and take my seat.

Nessie's P.O.V
Miss. Molina starts to talk about onion rooted cells.

"Ladies first," Alex says as he pushes the microscope closer to me. I take it and look in the microscope. "You were gone," He said quietly.

"Yeah, I was sick." I tell him, but I have a feeling that he thinks I'm lying to him. I look at Lizzie to see her already looking at us. I nod my to Alex silently asking her to read his mind.

"Hey Ness, can I borrow a pen, I forgot mine?" She asks with a smile, I grab a spare pen passing it to her, as her hand brushed mine she sends me a thought.

'He doesn't believe you.' She answered my question. I send her a thankful smile.

"Pro-phase," I say to him, pushing the microscope towards him.

"Would you mind if I looked?" He questions me making my shake my head. He looks into the microscope.  "It's Pro-phase," He says writing it down.

"Like I said," I reply to him. "So are you enjoying the rain?" I randomly ask. I heard a quiet snort from behind me I glance over my shoulder looking at my sister.

'The weather.' She mouths and I turn around ignoring her. Alex lets out a laugh. "What?" I question him.

"Your questioning me about the weather?" He questions me, hearing a quiet 'told you' from Lizzie that I ignore.

"Yeah, I guess I am," I say quietly looking at him. I take a deep breath, butterflies in my stomach. I look behind me to see my sister smirking, obviously still listening before looking back to look at my own work.

"Well I don't like the rain," He tells me. "My sister hates it as well." I let out a chuckle while changing the slide under the microscope. "What?" He asks turning his body to face mine a little bit more.

"Nothing," I replies, looking into the microscope, "It's Ana-phase," I say while writing it down.

"Mind if I check?" He asks.

"Sure, go ahead." I muttered.

"Ana-phase," I say.

" Like I said," He says with a smirk.

"So, if you and your sister hate the cold and rain so much, why move to the wettest place in the continental U.S?" I ask him.

"Both my parents got a job at the hospital." He says.

"My father works at the hospital, Dr. Carlisle Cullen." I say.

"I heard, Jill seems to know everything." He says. I nods my head before grabbing the microscope and changing the slide under it. 

"It's Meta-phase, wanna check it?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, I believe you," He said. The next few minutes go by in a blur, and the next thing I know, the bell is ringing. I walk with Alex and his sister Lynn in the hall, seeing as Lizzie left.

"So, other than the rain do you guys like it here in Forks." I ask.

"Yeah, everyone is really nice and welcoming." Lynn said.

"Does your family always keep to themselves." Alex asked me. I nod my head.

"Yeah..we're all close to each other." I said and see Lizzie waiting for me. "There's my sister, I better go. Bye."

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