Chapter 14

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Bella's P.O.V
We opened our home to eighteen vampires, many with gifts of there own. Zafrina had power over the mind she could make anyone see what she wanted them to.

3rd P.O.V
In the woods out side the Cullen house Zafrina was showing Edward and Bella her power, creating the illusion of the jungle she lived in. Edward looked amazed at what he was seeing and hearing but Bella was confused.

"If you weren't holding my hand right now I could swear this was real." Edward breathed out as he looks around in awe at the illusion of the Amazon jungle.

"I don't see anything." Bella said confused as all she saw was the ice and snow covered forest of Forks.

"Edward, you didn't tell me your wife was a shield." Eleazar says as he comes into sight of the small group, losing concentration Zafrina made the illusion starts to disappear.

"What's a shield?" Bella asks her husband looking at him. Edward smiles and looks down at her.

"The ones I've met are so different."

"It's a defensive talent." Eleazar answers Bella's question.

"It's why I couldn't read your mind even before. It's why Aro couldn't aswell." Edward explains to her.

"You have a very powerful gift." Eleazar said. Suddenly Kate takes Bella's hand surprising her as she uses her gift on her, Bella looks down seeing the electric current around their hands, Bella was surprised that she couldn't feel any pain. (A/N-I thought Bella's gift was a mental block not physical?)

"Oh yeah, she's a shield alright. That should have put her on her ass." Kate says letting go of the newborn vampires hand.

"Or your voltage has been exaggerated." Garret says teasingly raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe it only works on the weak." Kate said holding up her hand, daring Garrett to take it.

"Garrett, I wouldn't." Carlisle warns with a small smile. Garrett ignores him and as his fingers touch Kate's hand he's instantly electrocuted and falls to his knees in pain.

"You are an amazing woman

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"You are an amazing woman." Garrett smiles up at Kate.

~~~In the woods with Jacob~~~

"Now you guys can do some serious damage. That's why you'll need to control your phasing, so if your mum pisses you off, you won't tear her head off." Jacob said to the younger wolves that are following him through the woods. His head snaps towards the trees as he hears something.

"Whoever's coming wasn't invited." He says then shifts into his wolf form and runs off with the younger ones following him, they catch up and chase after the two vampires who jump on the trees laughing as the wolves try to catch them. The two jump down to sit on a large rock, mocking the wolves until Carlisle and some of the witnesses find them.

"Vladimir, Stefan

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"Vladimir, Stefan. You're a long way from home." Carlisle said to the two Roman vampires who wore black leather.

"What are they doing here?" Kate hissed glaring at the light and dark haired men.

"We heard the Volturi were moving against you but that you would not stand alone." Vladimir said.

"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle told them.

"We do not care what you did Carlisle." Vladimir sighed.

"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged." Stefan told him.

"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle says.

"Shame Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed." Vladimir says with a smirk.

"They do enjoy a good fight." Stefan joked and both vampires chuckled.

"Aro's witnesses?" Eleazar Asked looking at the two vampires then Carlisle.

"Oh, still hoping they'll listen." Vladimir said.

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