Chapter 6

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Bella's P.O.V
Edward and I got back to the main house soon the next morning and I didn't see Elizabeth anywhere.

"Wow done already." Emmett said with a cheeky grin, I just ignored him. "Did ya brake anything?"

"Emmett. No." I said while shaking my head and everyone chuckled.

"Where's Beth?" I asked looking around the room listening for her heartbeat.

"Blondie stole her." Jake said while not taking his eyes off the window and eating a sandwich, watching his imprint. After a few minutes Rose walked into the room.

"I have a name dog." She snapped. When the Beth saw Edward and I she reached out to us with a smile, so I took Beth into my arms. Elizabeth played with my hair as she rested her head on my shoulder, I gently rested my forehead on her little head taking in her scent. I lifted my head when the phone started ringing.

"Charlie?" I asked stepping forward.

"Yes, he's been calling twice a day, we will have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle said looking at me with sympathy, I nodded in understanding sad that I would not see my father again.

"He's been in pretty rough shape." Jacob said leaning against the wall, still watching Lizzie.

"Well I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett said getting up from were he was sitting walking around the room.

"We'll come back we always do." Carlisle said getting up as well.

"Wait, nobody said anything about leaving." Jacob said pushing himself off the wall getting upset.

"Everyone will think Bella is dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle tried to explain.

"So leave?" Jake snapped.

"We don't have a choice Jacob." Edward said, Jacob huffed stomping out of the house upset. I hope he doesn't do anything he will regret.

~~~~After Jacob shifted in front of Charlie~~~~

I can't believe that he would shift in front of Charlie, risking the life of my family if the Volturi found out. Edward, Jacob and I are in front of the main house with Lizzie in my arms when he told us what he did.

"I solved a problem, you guys were leaving." Jacob tried to explain himself and what he did.

"You don't know the danger you put him in, The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us!" I exclaimed. I pulled my daughter closer to my body, the thoughts of the Volturi hurting her crossed my mind.

"I didn't tell him about you guys, I told him about me and I told him you just changed." He said and went to take Lizzie but I moved so he couldn't reach her.

"And that we have a niece that we adopted." Edward said reading the shapeshifters mind.

"You know Charlie won't just let that go." I said frustrated with him.

"Would you consider the physical pain you put Bella through, it would be like sticking a hot white burning iron down her throat." Edward said to him, I looked to my concerned it didn't hurt to be around my baby, the wolves as well as Renesmee and they all have blood pumping through their veins. As if knowing my discomfort Lizzie laid her head on my shoulder and started to play with my hair, I smiled down at her.

"Charlie's been through hell and I know you'd be more happier with him in your life." I looked up as Jacob spoke to me, trying to justify what he did.

"Jacob don't try and pretend that your doing this for anyone but yourself." Edward spat glaring down the wolf.

"Sorry you feel that way because he'll be here in 10 minutes" Jacob said. I sighed and placed a kiss on Lizzie's forehead.

The Loved Twin |Twilight| *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now