Chapter 4

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
I waited patiently in aunt Roses arms for mummy to come back. She had woken up about an hour ago, but daddy quickly rushed her out to feed. He had told me that one day when I'm older we'd all go hunting together. Now my Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents were waiting in the living room, including Jake who was watching me. I was in Aunt Rose's arms, and Nessie was in aunt Alice's Arms. I could tell that Aunt Rose looked a little sad. What is there to be sad about? Mummy's coming. 

Suddenly there was a noise outside. Jake headed outside and I hear voices. After a moment that come back in along with daddy and mummy. I started to bounce up and down in Aunt Rose's arms. I examined mummy's beautiful face. Although she has vampire beauty in her, she was still beautiful before. 

"Welcome to the family." Grandma Esme greeted warmly with a smile. Before mummy's eyes could meet mine, Jake hovered over me. This got me quite annoyed. I haven't seen my mummy in a long time, I want to see her. 

"You look beautiful Bella." Aunt Alice complimented mummy as she smiled.

"Rose." Daddy spoke up causing her to turn, mummy gasped as she saw me. Enough of waiting I reached my arms out for her, mummy quickly closed the space between us now in her arms it felt nice and comforting. 

"Elizabeth." She whispered as she examined me throughly. Looking into my eyes she smiled and ran her finger across my cheek. I smiled and put a hand on her cheek showing her my first memory of her. 

When I dropped my hand a she looked both shocked and in awe

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When I dropped my hand a she looked both shocked and in awe. "W-what was that?"

"She showed you her first memories she had of you." Daddy explained to her smiling.

"Showed me how?" She asked quietly while still looking down at me.

"How does Alice see the future, how do I read minds? She's gifted. We found out that she is a copy cat, when she sees someone use their gift she has it." Daddy explained to her, smiling proudly. I smiled, once again, revealing my small teeth that were already growing. 

"I was only out for three days right?" Mummy asked confused running her finger across my gums feeling my teeth.

"Her growth rate is impeccable." Grandpa Carlisle stated. Mummy looked up at Aunt Alice who was still holding Renesmee, a confused look on her face.

"Who is that?" Mummy asked softly looking from Renesmee to daddy.

"That is Renesmee. Elizabeth's twin sister." Daddy said to mummy in a tone I've never heard before.

"Twins? Why didn't you tell me? Can I hold her?" Mummy asked looking at her, excitement flashing across her face.

"I don't know Bella...Renesmee nearly killed Elizabeth. She is more vampire." Daddy said, that's not quite true I had bruises from her but she didn't do it on purpose. I felt anger flow from mummy with uncle Jazz's gift.

The Loved Twin |Twilight| *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now