Chapter 13

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Bella's P.O.V
Finally Carlisle and Esme returned with our last witness. Alister, a blonde haired red eyed vampire who looked closed off.

"How many came?" Carlisle asked looking at his son.

"Eighteen. You have some good friends." Edward replied.

"And Alice?" Esme asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. I shook my head indicating that Alice had not come back and Esme pulled me into a hug, I hugged her back knowing she needed the comfort.

"Well, we'll be on Aro's list now. Centuries on the run, that's what you bought me. Some friend Carlisle." The vampire sneered at him and Carlisle chuckled as if he wasn't just insulted.

"Alistair come meet everybody." Carlisle says gesturing towards the house.

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi." Alistair told him. "I'll be in the attic." He added before jumping up there.

"He's not really a people person." Esme told me and I nodded, I would have never have guessed.

The Loved Twin |Twilight| *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now