Chapter 26

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Lynn's P.O.V
It's lunch time now at school. I set my stuff down with Alex, who was looking at the Cullen's table...well more specifically Renesmee.

"Hey, La Push baby, you in?" Erika questions my brother and I. I look at him confused.

"Should I know what that means?" I ask.

"La Push beach down at Quileute Res, we're all going tomorrow," Matt tells us making me nod my head in understanding.

"Yeah, there's a big swell coming in," Jill says taking a bite of her food.

"And I don't just surf the internet," Erika says as she stands on her chair, pretending to surf.

"Erika you stood up once, and it was a foam board," Jill states making her sit down.

"But there's whale watching too, come with us." Annie informs us making Alex and I nod our heads.

"It's La Push baby, La Push." Erika says.

"Okay, we'll go if you stop saying that," I says with a smile on my face. Alex and I walk away to get us some food.

"Eatable art," I hear Renesmee's voice say from beside us, making Alex knock over his apple. Renesmee catches the apple with her foot, kicking it up and catching it in her hands. "Alex," She says with a smile on her face.

"Thanks," her says to her, grabbing the apple out of her hand and walking to the other side of the salad bar with me. "You know, you mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash," He said as I grab some more food.

"I only said i think it would be better if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be," She tells us.

"What does that mean?" I ask her before focusing my attention back on the salad bar.

"It means, that if you were smart, you would stay away from me and my family." She warns us.

"Okay, well let's say for arguments sake that we're not smart, would you tell us the truth?" Alex asks her as he stretches his arm out to rest on the salad bar.

"No, probably not, I would rather hear your theories," She says quietly to him.

"I have considered...radioactive spiders and exposure to gamma rays." Alex tells her, while I focused on my salad.

"That's all superhero stuff, right?" She asks him as he nod his head.

"Um, but what if I'm not the hero, what if I'm the villain?" She asks making Alex shrug his shoulders.

"Well I always liked the villain's. Besides your not, I can see what your trying to put off, but I can see that it's just to keep people away from you, it's a mask," Alex tells her making her furrow her eyebrows. "Why don't we just...hang out?"

"Yeah, everybody's going to the beach, come." I say to her.

"I mean, have fun," Alex breaths out.

"Which beach?" She asks us with a small smile.

"La Push," I say to her.

"My sister and I are already going to that beach with a few friends. We'll meet you there." She said before walking over to her family.

~~~At La Push~~~

Right now Matt, Erika and Jill are getting there wet suits on to go surfing. Alex, Annie and I are sitting in the car, not wanting to get in the cold water.

"So I keep thinking that Matt's going to ask me to the prom, and then he just...doesn't," Annie sighs sadly.

"You should ask him," I say. "Take control, you are a strong, independent women,"

"I am?" Annie questions quietly.

"Yes," I say just as Jill comes up to us.

"Hey will you do me up?" She asks Annie, who starts to do up her wet suit. I see movement in front of me making me look up.

"Renesmee." Alex exclaims seeing her, Elizabeth and Jacob walk up to Alex and I with one girl and a few guys behind them.

"Alex, Lynn." She says stopping next to the open passenger door.

"Guys, Renesmee and Elizabeth are here." I tell my friends with a smile.

"Hey guys, how you doing?" She asks as they both say 'hi' to her.

"What are you like stalking us?" Alex jokes making Elizabeth, Jacob and their friends laugh.

Lizzie's P.O.V
"What are you like stalking us?" Alex jokes making Jacob, Seth, Leah, Quill, Embry and I all laugh

"Just like dad then." I mutter and the wolves all laugh again.

"Are you guys surfing?" He asks, making me shake my head.

"Definitely not," I tell him.

"What about the rest of your family?" Jill asks us making me sigh and shake my head.

"The other Cullen's don't come here." Quill says.

"You guys know them?" Lynn asks.

"Yeah, we're always at their house with Jacob." Quill said. "I'm Quill, that's Embry, Seth and his sister Leah." Just then I notice Seth staring at Lynn.

"Oh my god." I mutter.

"No way." The boys mutter.

"Really Seth." Leah said under her breath before smacking the back of his head.

"Umm...hey." He said.

"Hi, I'm Lynn, that's my brother Alex and our friends Matt and his sister Jill and Erika and her sister Annie."

"Well, we will leave you guys alone." I say as Leah drags her brother with us.


"I can't believe you imprinted on her." Mum said. "Of all people."

"What's the matter with Lynn." Seth asked confused.

"Her brother is Nessie's mate, and we didn't want her finding out." Rose said. "Stupid mutt."

"Rose!" Esme said with a disapproving look.


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