Chapter 3

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Bella's P.O.V
I could feel the vampire venom through my body, in my last moments of human life all my important memories flashed before my eyes, from my first memory as a baby to delivering my baby girl, I saw it all. Soon my heart stopped and my transformation was complete, I opend my eyes and I could see everything better, I looked around the room until my eyes fell on my husband standing by the window. I slid off the table and stood up straight, watching him.

"So beautiful

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"So beautiful." He whispered before I flashed over to him, pulling him into a hug.

"Bella your a lot stronger than I am, now it's your turn not to crush me okay." He said chuckling, I smiled before remembering my babies.

"Elizabeth." I say concern and excitement coursing through my veins.

"She's incredible." He said smiling, pride shining in his eyes. The look on my husbands face and the heartbeats filling my ears made me all the more determined to see her.

"I need to see her." I said turning to the door, only to be stopped as Edward caught my hand. I turned to look at him confused as to why he was stopping me from going to our daughter.

"You need to hunt first." He told me, only then did I feel the burning sensation in my throat and I put my hand on my throat in hopes to stop the burning. "Yeah you really need to hunt." He nodded his head. We both jumped out the window sprinting to the forest.

~~~After hunting~~~

After Edward and I got back from my hunt I heard the back door open and my best friend Jacob, a wolf shapeshifter came out.

"You're still here?" I asked confused, he hated vampires and despised me becoming one.

"So are you. You look so you, except for the creepy eyes." He said walking closer, I held up my hand to stop him from coming closer.

"I would keep my distance for now." I said not wanting to hurt him.

"It's safer for the baby." He said and I got confused, since when did he care about my baby.

"Since when did you care about Elizabeth?" I asked confused. I saw Jake send Edward a look, I narrowed my eyes slightly knowing they were hiding something.

"Okay, take a whiff." Jacob said changing the subject, I shook of the nagging feeling and did as I was told, only to immediately regret it. I pulled back my face scrunched up at the foul smell.

"Well I can see what everyone is talking about...Jake you really do stink." I said while laughing and Edward joined me while Jake just chuckled.

"You guys really look good together." He said. Again I was confused, he never accepted Edward and I.

"Ready to meet our daughter." Edward said and I nodded exited to finally see my baby while Jacob ran ahead.

The Loved Twin |Twilight| *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now