Chapter 9

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A/N- This is just a filler chapter, to help Elizabeth's and Renesmee's sister relationship. :).

Alice's P.O.V
I was sitting in the family room flipping through a fashion magazine thinking about the conversation yesterday about getting Carlisle's friends to witness, I really hope it works. Rosalie was in her bedroom, Emmett and Jasper was in the games room, Carlisle was at work at the Hospital, Edward,Bella and Esme was out hunting, the wolves are helping the new wolf that had just shifted and the girls are in there rooms and I had planned out their outfits. Elizabeth still looks about 5 years old but Nessie is looks about 10 today, I guess it is because she is more vampire then Lizzie. I looked back at the magazine when I was suddenly pulled into a vision.

Renesmee and Elizabeth were in Nessie's room hugging.
"I'm sorry for being mean Eliza." Nessie said and pulled Lizzie closer to her.
"I forgive you Ness." Lizzie whispered into her sisters shoulder.
"I love you sis." Nessie said resting her head on her Lizzie's head.
"I love you too." Lizzie said back to her.
"Always and Forever." They said together.
~End of vision~

OMG. That was such a cute sister moment. I NEED to get it on camera.

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I was in my room bored as I pushed my dolls away, I sat on the floor for a minute thinking when I came up with the best idea. I quickly got up from the floor and ran down the hall to Renesmee's room. I breathed out before knocking on the door, waiting for her reply.

"Come in." I heard her say after a few seconds. I opened the door walking in to see her reading a book, I was surprised to see she looked older then yesterday while I still look the same, I also noticed that our outfit matches. Alice, of course. Renesmee looked up from her book and now had a look of confusion on her face to see me standing in her room.

"What do you want?" She asked looking back down at her book.

"I wanted to talk to you." I said hopefully with a small smile putting my arms behind my back, and rocking on my heels.

"Why?" She asked not looking up from her book.

"Because we're sisters." I said, her head shot up as she glared at me and my smile disappeared in that moment feeling the hate and anger coming from her.

"I am NOT your sister, biology yes but any other reason no. You are not my sister, I HATE you." She hissed at me, tears had started to well in my eyes but I would not let them fall.

"But WHY!! What did I do to you to make you hate me so much." I said getting angry, I was frustrated and confused. She looked surprised by my outburst but narrowed her eyes.

"You made Bella, Edward, Rose and Emmett hate me, Carlisle,Esme and Jasper are nice to me only because they have too, Alice is the only one that actually loves me." She spat, angry tears start to form in the corner of her eyes, pain and hurt now radiating off her.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to, but I love you. You will always be my sister and because your my sister that means you are family. And family is forever even if you hate them, you are stuck with them. Always and Forever."(The original XD) I said Renesmee just stared at me, emotions I didn't know flowing from her. I looked down as I turned and started to walk towards the door until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned back around only to be met with a face fall of my sister's hair as she hugged me.

"I'm sorry it's not your fault that they hate me, it's mine for being jealous and hurting you, I am so so sorry

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"I'm sorry it's not your fault that they hate me, it's mine for being jealous and hurting you, I am so so sorry." She said, I felt her tears on my back as I hugged her back.

"It's okay sorry for getting angry at you." I said, although it came out muffled as I still had my head buried in my sisters shoulder.

"I'm sorry for being mean Eliza." She said pulling me closer, her grip tightening.

"I forgive you Ness." I whispered into her shoulder closing my eyes, enjoying the moment.

"I love you sis." Ness said placing her head on mine.

"I love you too." I said back to her, a smile on my face.

"Always and Forever." We said together.

Just then there was a flash we both looked up to see Aunt Alice grinning ear to ear with a camera, me and Ness looked at each other and started to laugh while Alice walked out. We talked until everyone got back and I had to go home with mum and dad. Today was a good day.

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