Chapter 31

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
Today was the day the Volturi was coming. I stood in between my mum and Nessie with Alex slightly behind her. Seth and Sam was with the imprints while the rest of the wolf pack was with us. I look over the Volturi as they came towards us. Aro, like always, was leading the group of vampires.

"Aro, it's been a long time." Carlisle spoke softly.

"It has Carlisle, hasn't it." Aro said.

"Why have you chosen to come visit us?" Carlisle asked.

"We wanted to see how the twins are." Aro said. 'Of course you did.'

"We heard you have let a another human know about us!" Caius exclaimed with a glare. "I see you still enjoy the company of the mutts." 'He likes to be dramatic, doesn't he?' I thought to myself, I heard dad chuckle quietly at my thoughts.

"He will be turned." Nessie said.

"I would like to to see the hybrids and the human." He said as he glances at Nessie and I then to mum and dad.

I look up at my parents as they look down at me. Mum takes my hand lead me towards the Volturi, Nessie is next to me holding Alex's hand. Emmett, who then left Rose's side, began to walk behind us with dad and Jacob. As we stood in front of the Volturi Aro started to laugh like a crazy man, just like he did when he first met me.

"It is delightful to see you both again." Aro said looking at Renesmee and I. Aro holds his hand out as I take a few steps towards him.

"Hello again Aro." I said as I my hand in his hand, letting him go through my memories.

"Magnifico." He whispers as I pull my hand away. Just as we were about to walk back Caius grabbed Alex.

"Caius no!" Dad yelled, but it was too late. Caius bit Alex.

"ALEX!" Nessie screamed, as his body dropped to the floor. Nessie screamed again, running towards Aro and the guard.

"Pain." Jane said. Nessie started to crumble to the ground in pain, I gasp quietly and focused on her, she immediately stood up and walked towards Alex, not in pain anymore.

"Its working." Dad said and I smiled knowing my shield is working. Alec went to use his power, but Aro stopped him.

"I think we have done enough damage." Aro spoke out. "I think it is time to leave." With that they are gone in a flash.

"Carlisle help him, please." Nessie cried.

"I don't think I can Renesmee. The venom has spread."

"Let's get him to our house." Alice said. Nessie picked him up and we all ran home.


"Alex is coming back from his first hunt with Nessie." Alice squeals. Alex and Nessie walk through the door and we all stand up to greet them.

"Welcome to the family." Esme said with a smile.

"Thank you for helping me through this." Alex said.

"Well, now you have forever with us." I said with a smile.

"As long as I get to spend every moment with Ness, I don't mind." He said hugging her. Jacob came and hugged me from behind.

"I love you Elizabeth Cullen."

"And I love you Jacob Black."

The Loved Twin |Twilight| *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now