Chapter 11

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3rd P.O.V
Renesmee walked silently behind Carlisle and Esme thinking about her sister being in danger, she did not like that at all. Alice had left Renesmee with the rest of the Cullens to keep her safe. Carlisle and Esme are trying to convince Amun, leader of the Egyptian coven to help them. Though Amun continued to refuse, Carlisle and Esme were confused by how he could refuse with the child's sister no more then a few feet away. Surely he could hear her strange heartbeat, the blush in her cheeks, her body heat. Just as they were about to leave water from the pool in the middle of the room began to rise and block there exit, Carlisle, Esme and Renesmee all looked over to their left and saw a man who was controlling the water. He had slightly tanned skin, black hair and bright red eyes, next to him was a woman who was watching the water like it was nothing.

"I would like to hear about it, I don't get to meet many of Amun's friends

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"I would like to hear about it, I don't get to meet many of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden." The man said with a playful smirk on his face.

"Can't imagine why." Carlisle mumbled watching the water float in mid air. The water slowly floated back into the pool, with a splash making all of them step back.

"Benjamin." Said the vampire holding his hand out for Carlisle to shake it.

"Carlisle." He replied shaking his hand.


Benjamin keeled on the ground in front of Elizabeth and watched her with curiosity in his bright red eyes. Elizabeth placed her small hand on his cheek and his mouth silightly fell agape at what she had showed him. He clutched her small hand in his and made a mini twister in their palms. The young girl made water and fire go in it to show that she now had his power and giggled at his amazed look.

"Benjamin can influence the elements

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"Benjamin can influence the elements. So Lizzie now has his gift." Edward told Bella ignoring Jacob who was leaning against a tree not taking his eyes off Elizabeth. Edward smiled as his daughter ran to him and hugged his legs, he put a hand on her head.

"And here I get super self control." Bella says with a chuckle. Suddenly loud cracks and snaps erupt through the forest, everyone around moved closer to Elizabeth ready to protect her if needed. Feet pound against the ground and in front of them now stand two vampires.

"Who are they?" Bella asked as she stood protectively in front of Elizabeth, Jacob ready to shift at a moments notice.

"Senna and Zafrina, from the Amazon." Edward tells her, Bella took Elizabeth's hand gently and leads her towards the two female vampires to convince them to help, Edward and Jacob following closely behind.

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