Chapter 7

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Bella's P.O.V
Everything was falling into place. Even the Volturi seemed to accept my new status, though they'd want proof eventually. It seemed we only had one enemy left. Time. Elizabeth are growing to fast, the family are beginning to worry about how much time we had left with her. It just made every moment more precious.

Elizabeth's P.O.V
I smiled as I ran into mummy's arms showing her the pretty snowflake that I had in my palm of my hand.

"Look a snowflake." I said as mummy crouched down to my level and glanced down at it before looking back into my eyes.

"It's beautiful, why don't you go catch another." She told me pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, I nodded and ran towards the middle of the clearing, jumping into the air, holding out my hand letting the snow fall into it. I heard Mummy talking to Jacob behind me but couldn't make out what they were saying.

I smiled looking at the snowflake I had caught, I suddenly felt like I was be watched, my eyes shifted from the snowflake in my hand to the mountains where I saw a pretty lady at the top who was glaring down at me

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I smiled looking at the snowflake I had caught, I suddenly felt like I was be watched, my eyes shifted from the snowflake in my hand to the mountains where I saw a pretty lady at the top who was glaring down at me. I quickly went down and ran to Jacob.

"Who is that?" I asked as I hid in Jacobs wolf leg as the lady continued to glare at me.

"I think that our cousin from Denail." Mummy told me squinting her eyes. "IRINA!" Mum shouted up to her but Irina ran away, I watched as mummy jumped up the mountain after Irina.


"It seems that Tanya convinced Irina to come back and settle things with us." Grandpa Carlisle explained to the family as he hung up the phone.

"Well she must of changed her mind." Daddy spoke up from the piano next to me.

"Seeing Jacob must have been to much for her." Grandma Esme said to him.

My eyes shifted over to Jacob who was stood against the wall, his eyes met mine and a smile broke upon to his face which I returned. Daddy regained my attention as he nudged me gently and we began to play a lullaby on the piano that daddy made for mummy that he was teaching me.

Our family crowded around us but the sound of glass shattering loudly against the floor broke the peacefulness in the room, we looked behind us to see Aunt Alice in a vision, Uncle Jazz closed his book and vamp ran to her side

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Our family crowded around us but the sound of glass shattering loudly against the floor broke the peacefulness in the room, we looked behind us to see Aunt Alice in a vision, Uncle Jazz closed his book and vamp ran to her side. The sound of the glass got Renesmee to come down from her room, she looked around 7-8 years old, while I looked about 5. Renesmee was looking from the bottom of the stairs.

"What did you see Alice?" Jasper asked her taking her hands in his.

"The Volturi, they're coming for us. Aro, Marcus, Caius, The Guard and Irina." She said in a shocked and scared tone as the same look came on everyone's face except mine and Renesmee, as we didn't know who they were.

"Honey come here." Mummy told me softly, I quickly ran over to her, Mummy hugged me closer to her.

"Why?" Grandpa Carlisle asked Alice.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Daddy questioned looking between mummy and Jacob.

"We were just walking." Mum said.

"Lizar-" Jacob stopped seeing the look on mummy's face, he swallowed. "L-Lizzie was catching snowflakes." Jacob added, a look of realisation came onto daddy's face.

"Of course. Irina thinks Elizabeth is an immortal child." He said looking to grandpa Carlisle with wide.

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