Chapter 15

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Bella's P.O.V
Everyone showed courage, though we knew that Aro's army was moving against us. Soon we would face the dark gifts of Jane and worse the paralyzing vapor of her brother Alec, who could rob you of sight, sound and touch.

3rd P.O.V (in London)
Jane and Alec chased down a vampire from Japan, his name Toshiro (is that how you spell his name??). They soon corner him and Alec release his black mist like vapor, crawling along the ground slowly following Toshiro, the man looked back in fear seeing the mist slowly but surely creep up to him. Aro, Caius and Marcus soon show up.

"Alec." Aro says, Alec took a glance at him before his black mist begins to return back to his hands as the three leaders walk to Toshiro, the black mist parting around them to allow the three to walk towards Toshiro.

"I would never go against you

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"I would never go against you." Toshiro tells them, fear present in his bright red eyes. The vampire was slumped against a brick wall, he was still weak from Alec's dark mist.

"Of course not, my dear Toshiro." Aro said the reven haired man holds out his hand for the younger vampire. Toshiro nervously places his Hand in Aro's. "It seems Carlisle is still expecting you."

The three leaders turn around and began to walk away leaving Demetri and Felix, two of their guards to deal with Toshiro.

"Carlisle is all but insuring his own destruction." Caius said.

"Sad, isn't it." Aro said, the two sharing a smirk.

Elizabeth's P.O.V
Nessie, Jacob and I were outside playing football, some of the witnesses telling me how to win by opening up their mind, dad was helping me to control and block it. I looked up to the window and saw Kate, Tanya, Garrett, grandpa, grandma, mum and dad there talking, it looks like it was serious. Dad looked down and and saw me looking and smiled at me so I smiled back and returned back to the game.

Edward's P.O.V
"Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first, because I can anticipate their moves." I told the group.

"Too bad we don't all have your shield." Garrett said and Bella frowned, probably thinking that her shield won't be useful. Having the feeling of being watched I looked out the window and saw that Lizzie was looking up, so I smiled and she smiled back and went back to playing with Jacob and the monster. I turned my attention back to the conversation after watching her play.

"Doesn't help me fight though." Bella said sadly looking down at her hands.

"No, but it could help the rest of us if you could project it." Tanya said and Bella's head snapped over in her direction.

"What do you mean?" She asks eagerly.

"I mean shield someone other then yourself." She explains to Bella. That could work with some practice and patiences.

"Is that possible?" Bella asked Carlisle, a hopeful look dawning her face.

"Gifts can be developed over time." He replied.

"At first mine was just in my palms, now I can radiate it all over my body." Kate told her causing Bella to smile.

"How did you do it?" She asked as she grabed Kate's hand, "Tell me." She demanded nicely.

"...Ow!" Kate said looking down at her hand and back to my wife, Bella quickly let go of her hand with a sheepish look. I quietly chuckled at my beautiful mate.

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