Chapter 29

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Lizzie's P.O.V

I look out the window to see Nessie's car pull up at. I run into the kitchen where the family and wolves were, Esme was cooking.

"They're here." I say and stand in between mum and dad.

"It's so light and open" I hear Alex say.

"Oh what you expected dungeons, coffins and moats?"  Edward asks.

"No... not moats." He said.

"It's the one place where we don't have to hide." Nessie explained.

Nessie, Alex and Lynn enter the kitchen. Esme and Seth goes over with a smile.

"Alex, Lynn. We're making Pizza for you" Esme said. "And the wolves of course, they're always hungry."

"This is Esme, mine and Lizzie's grandmother." Nessie explains. "Then Carlisle my grandfather, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper my aunts and uncles. Edward and Bella my..father and mother, and of course Elizabeth my twin sister. Then the pack."

"I hope you're hungry" Esme said.

"Yeah, absolutely" Alex said.

"Definitely" Lynn said.

"They already ate." Nessie said.

"Perfect" Rosalie said.

Lynn tries to explain. "Yeah it's just, because we know you guys don't eat, so of course."

"That was very considerate of you." Carlisle said.

"I still eat." I say. "And I'm hungry."

"So are we." The pack said together making them laugh.

"Let's just keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us" Rose said angrily. "The Volturi already hate us, what do you think they will do once they find out two more humans know about us."

"The Volturi?" Alex asked.

"We would never tell anyone." Lynn said.  

"We know that" Carlisle said. "And the Volturi are vampire royalty"

"Yeah well the problem is like Rose said, the Volturi." Emmett said.


"No, they should know....The entire family will be in danger if this ends badly" Dad said.

"Badly, as in we would become the meal" Lynn said. Emmett let's out a laughter.

"Bella said the same think." Alice said with a smile as she skipped over. "It's nice to meet you officially."

"You too. Ness talked about you a lot." Alex said.

I smirk at my sister. "Didn't you tell them about your amazing twin sister."

"Of course I did." She said pretending to be offend.

"It's nice to see you again." Seth said to Lynn with a grin. "There are some people l want you to meet." He then dragged her over to the pack.

"Alright, I'll give you a tour of the house" Nessie said to Alex.

"That went well." I said with a smile.

The Loved Twin |Twilight| *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now