Chapter 12

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Bella's P.O.V
The arrival of Senna and Zafrina meant that our plea was being heard in even the most remote corners of the world. While others searched for witnesses closer to home. A patriot Carlisle first met on the battlefield at Yorktown would become our most unlikely ally.

3rd P.O.V
A drunken punk walked along the dark streets of New Orleans, loudly singing a random tune when suddenly he was slammed up against a near by wall.

"Shut up! I hated the first British invasion. I hate the second one even more." A vampire with shaggy brown hair and red eyes said loudly to him as he squeezed the mans throat cutting off his air supply.

"Even the Beatles? Really, Garrett?" The sarcastic voice of Emmett Cullen questions from behind him.

"Old habits die hard." Garrett replied, with a playful smirk playing on his face as he looked towards the two.

"Carlisle needs you." Rosalie Hale tells him. Garrett lets go of the punks neck and he drops to the ground, trying to crawl away screaming for help.

"Sounds interesting." Garrett says.

"Help!" the punk screamed still on the floor.

"But first I better finnish my meal." He said with a smirk.

"Help! Help me!" The punk screamed but was cut off by the vampire sinking his teeth into his neck, drinking his blood as Rose and Emmett look away from the site

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"Help! Help me!" The punk screamed but was cut off by the vampire sinking his teeth into his neck, drinking his blood as Rose and Emmett look away from the site.

Bella's P.O.V
Each of them was won over, each was made to see. Carlisle convinced his Irish friends to make the journey to Forks. Although we were grateful for there help, there thirst for human blood complicated the situation. The Nomads Rosalie and Emmett sent were even more unpredictable especially Peter, who had fought alongside Jasper as a newborn, my fear was that none truly had hope that the Volturi would listen especially Amun. Garrett stood there silently as Elizabeth showed him her memories. As she pulled her palm away, Garrett turned to me as I was leaning against the wall watching my daughter carefully, he nodded his head and a smile came onto my face knowing the he will help protect my baby.

"There are a lot of red eyes around here

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"There are a lot of red eyes around here." Jacob said from next to me.

"They agreed not to hunt in the area." I explained looking to the wolf.

"They'll feed somewhere." He said. I sighed and looked around the room and my eyes landed on Edward who was talking to the Irish coven, then I saw Lizzie talking to the monster, I don't know why she was talking to her or why she forgave her for hurting us but I don't like her and the family except Alice agree with me. Once they were done talking Liz gave her a hug and ran over to me, I gave her a smile as I picked her up.

"Hello mummy." She giggled making me smile even more at the sound.

"Hello sweetie." I said and carried her to the kitchen and set her on the counter, Edward had just come in and stood by Beth. I got the cupcakes out and hid them behind my back.

"Guess what." I said to her with a smile.

"What?" She asked with a sweet and innocent look on her face and I showed her the cupcake. Her eyes lit up and a big smile broke out on her face.

"Cupcake!" she squealed, making me and Edward chuckle. I gave her the cupcake and Edward helped her down.

"Thank you." She exclaimed giving me a hug and ran off. Edward and I just smiled as she ran off.

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