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I decided to skip the rest of the school day after my encounter with Phil. It hurts to walk, let alone run but I had to get away from him. I reached home and the car was gone, meaning my parents were gone, thankfully. I walked into my room and put my stuff on my bed before slowly making my way to my bathroom.

stripping down, I look in the mirror. All I see are the bruises and the cuts that have taken over the once clear skin that I used to have, the warm water burned at the fresh cuts from earlier today, I deserve it, I deserve all of this. I stepped out immediately shivering from the cold air. I put on my black skinny jeans and black sweater, I decided to sit on my bed and spend the next few hours watching YouTube and scrolling through Tumblr before my parents got home because once they get home I know I'll be in major shit.

A couple hours later I hear the door slam, "DANIEL JAMES HOWELL, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HERE NOW" I headed down stairs as quickly as possible in hope of not making the situation any worse. I feel a slap on my cheek, "why were you not in class today," my dad walks up to me pushing me down and I can tell he's been drinking. "I'm sorry" I plead.

He kicks me in the stomach one more time before sending me to my room with yet again no dinner. I sit in my room and let my tears spill out down my cheeks. I pull my blade out from my jacket that I had on today, I lifted the shiny silver blade up to my wrist and made many cuts letting out the crimson liquid that urged to be released, I wasn't stopping, it was like something took over, I didn't stop until all available skin on my arms and legs were completely covered. I cleaned up the blood and bandaged them up with some cloth. I was lying on the floor feeling completely lifeless when I hear a ding,  but it's coming from my phone, no one ever texts me.

Phil's POV

I felt really bad about what happened at lunch time but when I went to find him he wasn't here any where. I never should of hurt him in the first place. I'm such a fucking idiot.

I went home feeling horrible, I've been doing all of this and causing this poor, kinda cute boy all this pain and for what to keep two terrible friends that only find enjoyment out of hurting people. I decided that I needed to set this straight, I grabbed my phone and sent him a message.

Phil: Hey Dan it's Phil, I know you probably don't want to talk to me and I really don't blame but would you maybe want to meet up tomorrow around noon.

Dan: Why would you want to talk to me now after all these years.

Phil: Please Dan I need to explain myself.

Dan: fine, see you tomorrow.

Finally I will get to talk Dan, I need to apologize to him for being such a horrible person, there is a very slim chance of getting his forgiveness but I have to try, Right? For Dan's sake.

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