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After class I waited for everyone to leave them room before I slowly made my way out. I left the classroom, I was scared that they were going to come back for round two but instead I saw Raven black hair with pale skin and icy blue eyes, he was practically the male version of snow white and I love him. Wait did I just say that, did I just say that I love Phil Lester. The boy who made my life a living hell. Yeah.... I guess I did.

I ran over to Phil engulfing him in a hug. At lunch I pleaded with Phil to come to the library with me which he delightfully obliged.
I like spending time in the library, it let's me escape from reality, it let's me imagine all the finer things life has to offer.

The end of lunch bell rang through the school, I sighed, I hate that bell it always means I have to leave my little slice of heaven and return to the hell of class. Come on Dan just one more class, you can do this.

I walked into my final class, creative writing. Creative writing was my favourite class at school because I got to express my feelings in a story, a poem or even a song without the fear of not being good enough. After class I was actually happy, I walked out of class and spotted Phil over by the wall.

"Hey" I say cheerfully, "someone's happy this afternoon, I think I like this Dan" he said matching my cheery tone.

"Oh and are you still cool with coming with me to grab my stuff from home" I put my head down and lose my smile at the thought of losing my family.

"Of course" he says lifting my chin up trying to get me to look at him, I give him a weak smile as we exit the school and walk out into the cool winds of the Autumn air.

Soon enough we reached our destination. Mum and dad weren't home which meant hopefully it should be easier to get in and out with no confrontation.

"Let's go, you'll be safe with me and I'll never let anything happen to you."

I opened the door letting Phil in first. Memories came flashing back but I tried my best to ignore them as we slowly ascended up the staircase and into my room. I was slightly embarrassed showing Phil my room. It was nerdy and kinda depressing. My room was painted a navy blue colour with my bed in the centre of the room with black, white and grey checked bedding. I had a desk with my computer set on top, the was a rather large pile of books and comics under the desk. My posters on my wall were my pride and joy.

Their was all my favourite bands like muse, fall out boy and my chemical Romance just to name a few. I sat on my bed reminiscing.

"your room is so cool" a voice chimed through my ears making me respond.

"um t-thanks I g-guess" I felt a tear well up in my eye and knew we had to hurry up before my parents got home or there would be trouble.

Phil's POV

His room was so cool, it had all my favourite things and I knew this boy's was perfect. I was staring at every detail of his room for probably just a little too long because when I looked back at the curly haired boy he was on the verge of tears so I knew I had to speed this up.

I grabbed a couple bags and we started filling them with everything Dan might need, such as his clothes, computer, toiletries such as toothbrush and his posters.

I wanted to feel at home at mine so I packed everything even his comics. After we packed we divided the load and made the slow and painful walk back to mine. We were practically dead by the time we reached my house, by the time we unpacked everything it was 8:30 pm and I can tell Dan was getting tired. I walk him over to the bed and tucked him under the covers.

I was about to leave when I felt him grab onto me.

"P-Phil, please stay with me" I nodded and jumped under the warm bedding, he put his head on my chest and I kissed his forehead, I saw him lift his head up to look at me our lips connected for the first time, it was magical. His lips were slightly chapped and salty from the tears but to me they were perfect.

We snuggled under the cover together.
"I love you Dan"

"I love you too Phil" he said before yawning. I watched as his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight bear" I whispered in his ear seconds before falling asleep myself.

The feels..
Anyway I hope you are enjoying the story and feel free to tell me if you don't like something or even if you you really like something. Ok I'm gonna go now byeeeee

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