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After the events of yesterday, Phil's mum decided it was best if we stayed home from school until we recover fully. We had police in and out of the house all day asking me loads of questions I couldn't answer.

"Please" I whimper hoping they would leave. Phil's mum got the hint and kicked them out for the day saying we need some rest after the traumatic experience from the previous day.

I was in bed, really wanting Phil but his mum took him to the hospital to take care of the giant cut on his chest. I woke up to the sight of a pair of my favourite eyes. I engulfed him in a giant hug.

He whimpered at the sudden pain to his chest. "sorry Phil. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just really missed you" I sat back on the bed. "don't worry about it, I missed you too bear."

Phil's mum walked into the room. "hey boys, so I've been thinking that since Dan didn't have a home any more I thought it best if I make this your permanent home. I was talking to the police and they are gonna get me the paper work" tears formed in my eyes and I ran over to Phil's mum giving her a big hug and then slowly going over to Phil so I don't hurt him and I kiss him.

This is so great, I get to stay with the boy I love and no one will be able to hurt me anymore. I've never been more excited.

It has been two weeks since it happened and we've been waiting for Phil to heal and for me to feel emotionally ready before we head back to school and I think we are ready.

The next morning we start the day like any normal school day, we have a shower, get dressed into our usual outfits, aka black skinny jeans and ironic top. I will straighten my hair and Phil would put in his contacts before having breakfast and leaving the house.

Phil and I don't have any classes together today but the school as been informed of what has happened recently and they know that if we walk out for any reason without asking, to just let us. We've been diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).

I walked into my creative writing and was happy to be there. I've been working on a poem for a while and when it's finished I will be able to share it with Phil, I really hope he likes it.

Phil's POV

I was in the most boring class but I know that Dan is in his favourite class so I know he is happy, the thought of Dan being happy causes a smile to creep on my face.

I walk out of class and I see Dan standing a piece of paper and he is extremely happy.

"Someone's happy this morning" I live when he is happy.

"I wrote you something Phil, do you wanna hear it" he was so excited.

"it's from you, of course I wanna hear it bear" we sat down and he started reading me his what he has written.

Pain. Pain is weird, it can come from any where at any time but the worst pain a human could possibly feel is the pain if heartbreak. Imagine a beautiful butterfly flying around then it gets squashed by a person purposely crushing the poor innocent and very unsuspecting creature.. That butterfly is also your heart.
You might think everything is fine and then all of a sudden it gets crushed by a human who hasn't properly realised you've been crushed on the outside as well as the inside.

He finished reading. "That was so beautiful bear" it was honestly the best thing that I have ever heard.

"you think so" he questions not believing a word I say.. "I promise"

Just as I was about to leave in and kiss him to show I meant every word I said we were interrupted by the two idiots I mentioned earlier.

"Oh, PJ, Chris how awful for you to be here at this present time" my words filled with sarcasm earning a laugh or two from Dan. "we were in the middle of something so if you don't mind we would like to finish" I kissed Dan, earning a few "awwe's" from people passing by. But not these two.

"ew, you freaks.. You used to be cool and now you're dating this emo faggot." his words didn't get to me anymore.

"why would I want to be popular when all you do is make fun of people who don't deserve, oh and I'm in love with Dan and we are very happy" I felt proud of myself for finally standing up for my self and most importantly Dan because he definitely deserves it after everything he has been through.

PJ and Chris walked away in a huff,  obviously couldn't think of anything to say because they know damn well that I am correct and they need to change their attitudes otherwise they aren't going to have any friend.

After school we walked home proud of what happened today all the way from Dan's writing to me sticking up for us both. Together we've achieved something and I feel if we keep going along these tracks then we will go far in life.

Please for the love of all that is mighty and Susan, don't let there be anything else stopping us from living out the rest of our lives normally.

Fuck, I just jinxed us didn't I... Umm did I mention fuck.

At least for now everything is just how I want to it to stay and nothing will get in the way as long as we don't let it do so.

We were so tired that we actually missed our dinner, just imagine that, Phil Lester missing dinner.

It's OK though because I was with Dan and I couldn't be happier in this moment.

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