568 16 2

School just finished and Phil and I have afternoon detention with PJ and Chris. I can already tell that this is going to be hell.

I meet Phil by my locker as soon as we get out of class so that we can walk to the detention room together. We walk in and no one is there yet, except the teacher of course.

A minutes later PJ and Chris walk in. "Late again are we boys, another day of detention tomorrow for that" the teacher says very calmly not lifting his head from his newspaper. "Fair call sir, we'll be here tomorrow" Chris replies in a very sarcastic tone. "oh and don't be late" the teacher hisses back as the boys take a seat, directly behind us.

We were in complete silence apart from the occasion snicker and giggle coming from behind. I mostly just wrote in my notebook and I would look over at Phil every now and then, he was always looking out the window, it looked like he was daydreaming.

The teacher stood up suddenly "I'll be back momentarily, I just need to take care of something" he left the room and we were left alone.

PJ and Chris took this time to create some trouble.

"So Phil, are you dating this faggot, I never thought you were a gay faggot too" Phil looked upset and I couldn't just sit there and let them be mean to him so I had to stand up for him.

"Why the fuck do you care Chris, our love life is none of your business" I felt good about myself at that point.

"So you are, wow. You used to be so cool until you started hanging out with this emo freak" his face had a stupid little smirk and Phil did the unexpected, he kisses me in front of them as to say fuck you guys.

"I'm happy as I am thanks" Phil handled it so good. PJ stood up and was about to do something to either me or Phil when thankfully the teacher walked back in and PJ backed off and sat back at his seat.

He whispered in my ear before doing so "we'll finish this later Howell, you too Lester."

Detention was dismissed, Phil and I didn't wait before we rushed out of the room and down the street making sure we didn't get followed. We cracked up laughing.

"Nice job in there bear" he says to me referring to me finally standing up to myself. "you too Lion"

We walked hand in hand back to Phil's place. As soon as we got inside we collapsed on the couch completely out of breath.

I love this boy, he is the best thing that I have ever happened to me and I know I can tell him so that's what I decide to do.

"Ah Phil can we go upstairs, there is a few things you should see and know" i was worried but knew he loves me and would never hurt me.

"Of course Danny" I was glad. We walked upstairs and into his room.

"As you know there is a lot of things wrong with me" I took off my shirt and jeans so I was left in my boxers

He was shocked I was bone skinny with purple, blue and yellow bruises  covering my chest and legs, with various deep and shallow cuts all over.

"My dad was a drunk and very violent, which is where most of the bruises came from, the cuts and starving are from-" I swallowed not wanting to say it "Chris, PJ and um y-you P-Phil." he was in tears.

He pulled me into a huge hug and I cradled him in my arms.

"I'm sorry Dan, if I had known I never would of-" I cut him off. "I know Phil, I forgive you" I kissed the top of his  head. "I love you my little lion"
"I love you too bear and I promise I will do anything in my power to protect you and help you" I felt my eyes sting but I tried my hardest to keep strong, for him.

Phil's POV

This is all my fault, he forgives me but I will always feel bad for the pain I caused him. I cant believe I ever hurt this beautiful boy especially when he got ten times more pain at home.

I promise I will help him eat again and I will not let him get hurt anymore.

"Dinner is ready boys" my mum yelled from the kitchen.

"Let's go down for dinner and please try and eat something, even if you don't keep it down that's progress and at least I know you're trying" he nodded in agreement.

We reached the kitchen and I looked over at Dan to tell him it's OK to eat, he grabbed his food and hesitantly ate. He didn't eat very much before he ran to the bathroom before his food came rushing back up.

I ran after him and sat outside of the bathroom waiting for him to exit. He didn't keep it down for long but at least he tried. Finally I heard the toilet flush and he came out wiping his mouth.

I hugged him as he walked out. "I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it down" he was so upset.

"Don't worry gorgeous, i'm not worried because it will take so time but will eventually stay down. I believe in you" I hope he believes me.


"I promise" he gave me another hug and I kissed the top of his head. "Let's get to bed beautiful, we both need sleep" I whispered in his ear and started walking to his room when he stopped me.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight"

"Of course you can" we turned around and walked to my room, we hopped in bed and snuggled under the covers. I could feel is breathing slowly become more steady and calming, my eyes closed and I fell into a light slumber.


Omg this chapter was heartbreaking to write at some parts and cute for other. Enjoy lovelies.

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