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I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain, I was relaxed until I realised that it was a Monday and that meant I had school.

I woke up before my alarm so I decided I would have plenty of time to have a shower and get ready before Phil woke up.

I closed the door of the bathroom and stripped my close looking at all the cuts I caused yesterday, sighing, I stepped into the shower.

After my shower i got dressed into my pastel blue jeans and my baby pink sweater (ohh changing it up a bit) then left my room to wake up Phil.

Walking over to sleepy beauty, I nudged him on the arm in hope of waking him.

"Philly, it's time to wake up" my voice was soft so I don't scare the living daylights out of him but it seemed to do the job, he stirred in his sleep before sitting up.

"Morning" he said in his very sexy morning voice.

"Up you get sleepy head, time for breakfast then we have to leave before we are late for school, I've already eaten but you to ahead" I lied about already eating but he didn't need to know that.

He slowly rose from his bed and half stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen, obviously still half asleep.

He ate the pancakes that Mrs Lester made before we were our the house.

"Crap, I forgot it was raining" the rain was not good because by the time I got to school my hair will be curly and I hated my hobbit hair.

"Dan, don't worry about your hobbit hair, it's adorable" his comforting words soothing my growing anxiety.

"I'll make you a deal, if you have to make it the whole day with your hobbit hair then I will wear my glasses today" he pulled out his glass and put them on.


We walked through the doors of hell, aka school. I had my creative writing class first.

"See ya later" I made sure no one was looking before pecking him on the lips.

"Bye Bye bear see you after class, oh and um I want to talk to after class if that's alright."

"umm sure" I was slightly worried. What did he want to talk to me about, I guess I'll find out later.

I made my way to to my class and took a seat up the back like I always do.

"Hey emo faggot" it was PJ and he was with Chris, Greeeeat.

I just looked down and kept writing my story.

"We are fucking talking to you" this time Chris spoke up.

"Leave me alone, i'm just tryna do my work" I pleaded but of course they wouldn't give this up.

"Aww Chris he can actually talk, what are you gonna do about it you emo faggot.. Are you going to cut yourself again" his words were mocking.
Maybe I should cut myself..... NO, you can't you have to be strong for Phil.

The teacher walked in and they took their seats but wouldn't stop staring at me, I really hope they don't hurt me or Phil, definitely not Phil.

Phil's POV

I walked out of class, another boring class. Oh well at least I get to see Dan.

I walked up to wear his creative writing lesson is and I see him sitting by the wall with his knees up and his head buried in his arms.

"Dan, are you OK" he lifted his head, his eyes filled with tears. "what happened"

"PJ and C-Chris" I'm gonna kill them, who the fuck do they think they are. He has never done anything to them so they shouldn't be doing this to him.

"it's OK bear, let's go" I lifted him off the ground and held his hand until we reached the library. The library was deserted today so it was just Dan and I.

"Dan, can I talk you about something" I was dreading this. What if he gets mad and hates me forever.

"Sure" I could tell he was scared of what I was gonna say.

"So um, when I was taking you to bed last night I may have kinda saw a little bit of your arm and-" his eyes were filling with tears "are you still cutting"

"I'm so sorry Phil, I felt bad about out fight and I thought you hated me and-" I cut him off by bringing him into a big hug, also his words were coming out so fast that I could hardly understand what he was saying.

"Can I see your arms" I asked because I really want to see how bad it was.

He nodded and removed his sweater so he was left in his T-shirt. I looked at his arms in utter shock, his arms were completely red and slightly bruised with hardly any skin that wasn't cut.

"Oh Dan, i'm so sorry" he nodded and put his sweater back on. I pulled him into another hug and didn't let go until the bell for next class rang.

"We have English" he looked at me as if saying we should get going. I gave him an approving nod. We left the library and walked to the other end of school to where our English class was. When we got to our English room we were a bit late.

"I'm sure you two have a excellent reason why you are late" me and Phil looked at each other. "No sir" we finally managed to spill out. "Awesome, looks like you two will be joining Chris and PJ for detention this afternoon". Fuck, this can not be happening. "Yes, sir" we took our seats and our teacher continued on with the lesson.

This is not good, this is really not good. We are going to have to spend and hour in detention this afternoon with my ex friends that also want to hurt my boyfriend so much, what could possibly go so wrong.

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