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I'm glad I have someone like Phil in my life, I am a very unlucky person but I was very lucky to get him.

The alarm rang through out the room signalling it was the morning. Phil stirred in his sleep. He looked so cute.

"Time to get up gorgeous" I kissed him on the nose and he slowly started waking up.

"We have to get ready for school" I added before getting out of bed,

"Yay can't wait" Phil's voice had a hint of sarcasm causing me to giggle.

"I'm going to go quickly straighten my hair" I made a move for the bathroom before Phil had a chance to say he liked my hair like this or something.

After my hair was done, I walked out of the bathroom to see Phil dressed in a pain of jeans and a bright yellow plaid shirt and he was putting in his contacts. I guess he hated his glasses as much as I hated my curly hair. I internally laughed.

He looked over to me "are you ready to try breakfast" I gagged at the thought of food but I promised to, I slowly nodded. There were pancakes on the bench. I grabbed one and cut a little bit off. I took a bite and waited a minute and surprisingly I kept it down so I kept eating until I finished one whole pancake.

I looked over at Phil who was smiling from ear to ear at my accomplishment.
"I'm so proud of you Dan" I gave him a peck on the lips, grabbed my bag and dragged him out of the house before we are late for school.

We arrived just in time again.. We really have to start leaving earlier ..I walked Phil to his classroom before making the painful journey to history, I hated history it was probably one of my worse subjects. I've practically failed it every year, it's the only class I do and have ever failed. I'm generally quite smart, not trying to brag or anything.

The teacher was handing out our recent assignments today and I was bracing myself for another failure, the teacher walked up to my desk and put my assignment on my desk, she sighed "Another fail Howell, what a surprise" I looked down at my desk and put my failing assignment in my bag. No surprise there, I knew I was going to fail. I always do when it comes to history.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and I was expecting it to be Phil because no one else ever messages me.

I was mortified when the name shows up on my screen

New message: Dad

Dad: Hey son

I debated on messaging him but honestly what could go wrong.

Me: what do you want

Dad: is that any way to speak to your father

Me: seriously.

Dad: Fine, I want to talk to you. Face to face

Me: And why would I do a stupid thing like that, don't you remember how much you hurt me plus I am happy where I am now.

Dad: fine just meet up with me and you can bring your boyfriend with you.

Me: Fine.

I put my phone down and I felt my heart race and I was finding it hard to breathe, oh god I was having a panic attack. I quickly excused myself from class and texted Phil.

Me: Please meet me at the front of my class, I need you.

Phil's POV

I was sitting in my class bored out of my mind.
I got a message from Dan, why is he texting he should be in class.

Dan: Please meet me at the front of my class, I need you.

Crap, he must really need me, I made up an excuse to the teacher and ran to Dan's history class. When I got there j saw Dan having what looked a panic attack. I ran over to him and managed to calm him down in a few minutes.

"What's wrong bear" he pulled out his phone and showed me the messages between him and his dad.

"fuck, if you are gonna go then I'm going with Dan, I will not let you do this alone." he looked up at me with tears stained cheeks.

"thank you Phil, I am grateful" his words sincere. "Anything for you" I meant it, I'll do anything for him.

Just then the bell for next period sounded, we stood up and hugged before walking out separate ways to our next classes.

After school I met up with Dan, like usual and started walking home avoiding all signs of danger. Dan is finally starting to improve and being jumped by a pair of idiots in an alley way may trigger the poor boy into hurting himself again and I couldn't live with myself knowing Dan was purposely hurting himself. I honest couldn't.

We made it home safely, thankfully.
Looks like mum has gone out with some people.

"We have the whole house to ourselves tonight" my voice filled with excitement.

"What are you thinking Mr Philip Lester" I could tell he was just as excited as I was.

I grabbed out my phone and started playing Where Did The Party Go by fall out Boy, as loud as possible.

I'm here to collect your heart
It's the only reason that I sing
I don't believe a word you say
But I can't stop listening

This is the story of how the met
Her picture was on the back of a pack of cigarettes.
And when she touched him he turned Ruby red
A story that they'll never forget never forget

We sung at the top of our lungs as we danced around the lounge room. It was good to let go sometimes and I absolutely loved Dan smiling and having fun. It brought a smile to my own face. This is how Dan should feel all the time because he deserves to be happy.

The song finished and I put on another, this time still breathing by Green Day. Then stay by Mayday Parade. After all our songs we were completely worn out. My mum left us some money for dinner so we decide to order a pizza to have while we watched a movie or two.

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