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I follow the lady into the small and very bare room. It has a desk in the corner, two comfy looking chairs which are way to close to comfort. On the wall are various different mental health and self help posters with quotes littered all over the wall and their are pamphlets piled on the small desk.

"Have a seat the lady" the lady speaks up pointing to one of the chairs while she sits in the other.
"My name is Alexis and I am the schools counsellor." I nodded to let her know to continue. "The school was notified by your mum and I am understanding that something quite traumatic has happened, am I correct" I nodded again. "would you like to tell what that something might be" I shook my head no. I don't want to tell her anything.

"It involves your friend Dan, right?" she questions again. "Boyfriend" I spoke up but in a whisper. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that. "Boyfriend" I said a little louder in order for her to hear it.
"Ahh, so he's your boyfriend" yes woman, get on with it. "Can you please tell me what happened to your boyfriend." I finally gave in. I explained to her everything that happened... From the suicide attempt, even how I used to bully him and that I blame myself.

"Oh sweety, you've been through a lot with this boy. Haven't you?" her voice changed from her usual bubbly personality to a more understanding one.

"I love him and I want him to wake up from his coma" I finally feel comfortable and I feel amazing being able to talk to someone about.

15 minutes later and the end if school bell rung. I rushed out of the room and headed straight to the hospital. I have regular appointments with Alexis from now on. Which I don't want but I'll deal with it because she's helping me with my Dan situation.

"Hey Dan, How's it going. I've just come to see if you'd woken up yet but you haven't but I have faith you will. Today was the first day back at school. I might of had a breakdown and I have to see the school counselor and she seems to be helping me a lot actually. I also went off at Pj and Chris today. It was so funny and I wish you were there to see, you would of laughed so hard" I paused to laugh at the memory of me going off at those two idiots.
I kissed him on the lips.

Beep beep beep

The heart machine started beeping and I got really worried so I called in a nurse and when I told them I kissed them, they just laughed.

"That's a really good thing sweetie. It means he can sense it's you her and you kissing him. Talking to him is really helping him, keep going and he should hopefully wake up from his coma.

I can't believe it, Dan knows I'm here. I'll just have to keep talking to him and updating him so hopefully he will soon wake up.
"Goodnight Dan, I'll visit you tomorrow afternoon" I gave him a quick peck on the lips and I was out the door and I was on my way home.

Morning came and I really didn't want to go to school today but I forced myself out of bed, skipping my shower because I really couldn't care less to be honest. I out on a pair of dark grey trackies and a grey jumper. My black hair was a complete mess and my eyes were red and sore from crying and lack of sleep. School was normal, no one ever came near me since I looked like a cast member from the walking dead, a zombie obviously.

Lunch was over and it was time to see the counsellor again. I wasn't in the mood. I dragged my self over then. I knocked on the door and waited patiently.

"come in dear"

I made my way into the room and took my usual seat and waited for her to say something

"How are you going Phil," i'm obviously not going good, I haven't slept, I haven't eating and i have practically been non stop crying. I don't tell her any of this, I simply shrug my shoulders.

"Has Dan shown any signs of waking up" I nod my head and fake a little smile.

"Wonderful, I am so glad to hear it"

The session finishes and I bolted out of the room after waking a quick goodbye. I need to see my Dan, he takes priority over every one at the moment.

I enter the hospital and head straight to his room. I walk up to his bed and grab his hands, they're cold as ice. He looks the same as always. Pale face, cold skin and just lifeless. Honestly if I didn't know he was a live, I would've assumed he was dead.

"I told you I would be back, so here I am. You're probably glad you're not at school. We have an English assignment, it's paired work. The teacher paired us together even though he knows that there is a chance you won't wake up. But it's due in a month so we should be ok. Mum is calling me to go home okay Bear, I don't want to leave you because I want to be here when you wake up but I have to so I'll see you later, I guess"

I walk out of the room to be greeted my a very sympathetic mother. She puts her arm around my shoulder and we walk to the car.

The car ride was silent. I'm glad about that. I don't feel like talking anymore. I just want Dan. I wont be happy again until I know he is safe and awake. I want to be at the hospital with him waiting until he wakes up, not going to school. School is filled with fake ass idiots and the most important person is lying on a hospital bed.

Please Dan. Don't leave me now.

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