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It's Saturday morning, i'm supposed to be meeting up with Phil today but I am terrified, what if he hurts me, what if he's waiting with all his friends to bash me up again. I cant take any more abuse, but my curiosity takes a hold of me and I find my self getting ready for our meet up. I hop in the shower engulfing myself with the water.

I've gotten used to the burning feeling now and I kinda like it. Stepping out I put on my black ripped jeans and my Fall Out Boy T-shirt, straighten my hair before I check my phone, 11:50 which leaves 10 minutes to walk to the park, I throw on my denim jacket and I'm out of the house.

I make it to the park with a couple minutes to spare so I put in my earphones and listen to The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. I wasn't waiting long before a familiar figure with black hair and the deepest blue eyes was standing next to me and I realized I can't back out now.

"Hey Dan" his words were soft and I was having a hard time believing that they were coming out of the boy who tormented me for years.
I didn't say a word.

"It's Okay Dan you don't have to talk but at least listen to me please", I nodded my head and he continued.

"I know I have been horrible to you for a very long time now, and me apologizing won't fix anything but I did it to save my rep which is a very fucking stupid thing to do seeing as my only friends are sadistic bastards"

I'm shocked, is he telling the truth or is he lying as usual, his eyes are soft and filled with pain, I've seen that pain before, it's the pain I see everyday when I look in the mirror.

Mid way through our little so called "chat" I could feel something on my arm, I glance down at my arm and see my jacket sleeves have opened some of my newest cuts. He must have noticed me looking down at my arm
"omg Dan your arm is bleeding, let me look", I refused but he just grabbed my arm and forced my sleeve up, revealing my cuts.

He drops my arm and he looks in shock. "what is this" he says in a low tone.

"Nothing" I say very quickly and get up. "No Dan, this is bad please let me help".

"Why, you don't care about me, so just leave me alone" I said sounding harsher than I intended.

Before he could say anything else I had already started running away. You're an idiot Dan, why do you always have to fuck things up, now he knows you're secret he will tell everyone and ruin your life even more.

I wasn't even home yet before my tears started escaping down my cheeks. I slammed the door not caring of who was home because I honestly didn't care what my father did anymore. I sprinted up the stairs and into my bedroom, as if on cue my father storms in,

"who the fuck gives you the right to slam doors in my house, you ungrateful boy." I was terrified, normally I would never dare to slam a door or even talk back to my father but in this point in time I couldn't care less;

"Fuck off" I didn't even have time to comprehend what I said before I felt a fist collide with my jaw,

The punches kept coming...

"DON'T-YOU-DARE-TALK-BACK-TO-ME" was all I heard before I blacked out.

Phil's POV

I'm staring at Dan in shock, he cuts himself.. Is this my fault, am I the reason he cuts himself.

Before I could say anything about it he is already gone, my heart sinks as I start walking home. I walk home with my hands in my pocket and my earphones listening to muse, resistance.
I get through the door and I'm immediately greeted by my mum. I ignore her and race up to my room grabbing my phone out, I need to talk to Dan.

Phil: Are you ok
          Sent: 1:33

Phil: Answer me please
          Sent: 2:46

Phil: I'm getting worried now
          Sent: 4:29

Phil: I'm sorry for everything
          Sent: 5:58

No answer, even though I was absolutely worried I decided to leave it. I had a quick shower, after my shower I got dressed in some Pyjama bottoms and took out my contacts before falling asleep hoping I'll be able to talk to him tomorrow.

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