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Phil's POV

"Please mum, last time I left him alone he ended up in a coma with scars.. I thought I lost him. I don't want that to happen again. Tears spilled from my eyes at the thought of him in all that pain. Especially when he caused it himself because he thought he would be better off without me. I love him and it's never for one second going to change.

"Fine, But only a couple days. You still need an education" she gave me hug before she was headed out of the door but stopped just before she left

"And call me if you need anything"


As if on cue Dan walked through the door way. I sighed. "Are you ok phil" I looked in his direction, lacing a smile on my lips. "I'm fine. I'm going to stay home and look after you" his face dropped. "You don't have to"

I made my way to the staircase where he was standing planting a kiss on the top of his head. "You're right, I don't have to.... I want to"

A smile crept onto his lips.

"Plus, who wants to be at school.. Am I right? I waved my arms around in an over exaggerated way, causing Dan to laugh. Damn, I loved his smile and his laugh.

"Thanks Philly" I cringed at the name but let it go because of how much I love him.

"Do you wanna go and sleep Dan, you need rest. I'll finish our English assignment" his eyes went wide.

"We have an assignment" I chuckled.

"Yeah" he walked over to me.

"Well I'm not letting you do it alone, i'm helping, what do we have to write a short story about someone we really care about." I grabbed his hand and lead him upstairs and into his room.

"Well that shouldn't be too hard because we'll just do it about each other. I gave him a smile as I grabbed out the laptop and opened a word document.

"Um what do want to write."

"I'll do mine first" Dan piped up and I handed him the laptop. He wrote fast only to stop and think about what he's gonna write next.

I briefly walked out of the room to get some food from the kitchen.. Maltesers.. Dan's favourite.

"I'M DOOONE" I heard yelling from the room so I raced back, making sure I bring the food.. Of Course.

"I brought food" I walk through the door holding the bowls of food. Dan has a smile of accomplishment on his face, it makes me feel so good inside. His smile can light up the world and I just wish he could see what I see because if he could he would love him too.

"Yummy, chocolate" Dan grabs a handful of Maltesers out if the bowl and shovels them in his mouth at the same time. "Thank you Lion"
"My pleasure, I heard you finished you story" he looked down and nodded.

"Can I read it" this time looking at me before hesitantly handing me the computer.


The person I care the most about is my amazing boyfriend Phil. He is my world, my rock and my everything. If it wasn't for him I don't think I would be here today.. I almost wasn't. He helped me so much. When the world turn dark, he was my light and when I lost my way he guided me to safety. I don't know what I would ever do with out him, and I don't want to find out. I want us to always be Us, he will always be the one I love, even through our difficult times. So that's a little bit about the most important person in my life.

I tackled him in the biggest hug making sure I'm careful of his scars and cuts. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

"T-Thank you Bear" I never want to lose my bear.

Dan's POV

Every single word it was the truth and I hope he knows it. I know I have made things hard on him but he has stuck by me after all this time so I know it's true love.

"My turn then" Yay now I get to read Phil's. He starts pressing down the buttons on the keyboard. I just watch him, the way he types, how his tongue sticks out of his mouth when he's concentrating. He is so perfect. Every little thing he does makes me fall deeper in love with him every day.

It's been about 10 minutes when he finally announces he has finished his half of the assignment. I hold out my hand as to say I want to read. He obliges and hands it over.


The most important person in my life would Dan Howell. I am so glad I can call him mine. He is generous, beautiful and just amazing. There have been times where I thought we weren't gonna happen but we always pulled through. I have helped him so much and had helped me even more without even realizing it. The time I thought I had lost him forever was the worst time of my life. I didn't eat, I looked like absolute hell and I never once wanted to ever leave him. We do everything together and I wouldn't have it any other way and I don't don't want any one but Dan for as long as we both shall be around.. I just hope that will be a long time coming. So there you go a little bit on the most important person in my life.

"Oh my goodness Phil, I love you so much" we put the laptop to the side playing some music on YouTube as we cuddled up on the bed and just talked and chatted. I can't believe that he would stay with me for so long when I don't deserve it. I don't deserve Phil, he is way to good for me but I'm not complaining, I love him and I will keep loving him even he stops loving me.

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