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I woke up with Wolf curled between my legs, I smiled at the cuteness before crawling out of bed and jumping in the shower. After exiting the bathroom I checked on Wolf, who was snoring.. Which by the way was so adorable.. He woke up stretching and yawning, he saw me and jumped up onto me knocking me down. He was surprisingly strong for a little dog.

I walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs with Wolf following behind jumping to get down each step. I let him out side to do his business making sure he has plenty of food and water before setting off to the kitchen to get my own breakfast.

I had just finished pouring two bowls of cereal for both Phil and I when he came bolting down the stairs.

"hello" damn his morning voice was so sexy. He was just in time as always. Although when is he ever late for food. I internally chuckled at the thought.

"Morning cutie"

"Is this for me" he points at the full bowl of cereal, "you shouldn't have"

"Of course Phil. Enjoy" I kissed him on the top of the head before walking over to the back door letting the bouncing ball of joy come running in begging Phil for attention. He picks him up and immediately gets attacked him licks. He laughs and I laugh with him, walking up to them both I pat Wolf and kiss Phil.

"I know, how about we take Wolfy here for a walk" I suggest and Phil gladly agrees and by the look on Wolf's excited expression, I can tell he agrees also.

I grabbed the lead from the cupboard and hooked onto Wolf's collar before Phil and I walk out of the house. We were supposed to be taking Wolf for a walk but he was practically walking us. We were walking or should I say being dragged around before we found a nice little area to take a break. We let Wolf run around, hopefully letting out some of that energy while we sat on a park bench watching.

Everyone around us seemed so happy and full of joy. I loved it. It's not often that I'm happy but I love when others are. I mean it's a perfect day. The sun is shining, it's not too hot and it's not too cold plus I have my Phil and of course Wolfy with me and by the looks of it he has made some doggy friends as well. Good job Wolf.

"Look at him Dan, isn't he cute" I heard Phil next me. "he sure is." I repeated completely in awe.

Everything seems to be going well for me. Although whenever things start looking up for me something happens that brings me back down to reality. It's half through through the holidays which means that school will be starting up soon and that means Chris and PJ will be there, plus after what happened with them at school and the pizza incident, I know they aren't going to let me or Phil get away with it. It honestly scares me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Phil shaking my arm, "Dan, are you OK"

"hm. Yeah, why wouldn't I be" I played it off as if everything was fine. "because you were shaking" I honestly hadn't notice that I was shaking.

"Oh um, it's cold. That's all. Maybe we should head home" I could tell he didn't believe my lie seeing as it was 20 degrees outside but thankfully he didn't press the issue. I don't want to get Phil worried, he already has enough to deal with.

Phil's POV

There is something Dan's not telling me, he was shaking because of the weather because it is fairly warm outside, I won't worry about it and I'll bring it up again another time.

"Ok Dan, we'll go home" I go along with him for now and I hope he tells me because I love him and I don't want to lose him.

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