Alternative Ending

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"Dan, I'm scared. What if he kills us" I looked into the eyes of my amazing boyfriend and whispered close to him.

"We are gonna make it out, I promise" I felt him nod against my chest. I kissed him on the top of the head.
The house had become eerily quiet as we heard the front door slam shut. I crawled to my window and saw him hopping in his car.

"Phil, Phil! We have to go now" I levered my pretty broken boyfriend off the ground and we slowly made our way downstairs.

Phil came to a halt, pulling me back slightly. "No Dan, he could waiting just outside" he's right.

I stopped to think for a minute.
"The back door, come on Phil" after checking the coast was clear we opened the door and bee lined straight out the back gate. We managed to get away. I'm out of breath.

Phil doesn't look so good, what in the world are we going to do.

Stay here Phil. I need to make a phone call.

I walk away but still in complete view so Phil doesn't get worried and called 999.

"Hello, emergency services. How can I help".

"Uh hello, my name is Dan and um.. Me and my boyfriend were just attacked by some psychotic lunatic. Please we need help. He killed my boyfriends mum and we are really scared.

"Oh god, son I need you to give me the address and stay exactly where you are, far away from the house. We will find him."

I gave her the address and hung up the phone. Phil had crawled himself into a ball and silent sobs could be heard from within. I sit down next to him, pulling him into a reassuring hug.

"W-who was t-that"

"I called the police, they are are going to fix everything I promise you"

We can here sirens off in the distance. I really hope they find him before he finds us.
5 minutes pass and its complete silence before the silence was broken by screaming then gunshots.

I looked at Phil and he looked at me. We decided to investigate the noise. We peeked through the fence that we had previously escaped through towards the house.

Police surrounded the house, they are looking at something, its the man. He's been shot dead. I run over to the police and explain who I am.

I fell to my knees in hysterical laughter.

"PHIL, WE'RE FINALLY FREE" I yell at the top of my lungs. We're free.

I was joined at the side by Phil. This is the best day of my life.

Time skip (cause why the fuck not)

5 years later

Phil's POV

Words can not explain how happy I am right now. I'm standing at the alter in a suit and tie with my soulmate.

It's our wedding day, we are surrounded by our dear friends. Our adopted daughter, Alexis by my feet in her pretty pink dress and flower crown and our adopted son, Riley in his grey suit and little red bow tie. Desperately clutching on to Dan's leg for dear life.

A tear escaped my eye as our wedding vowls were swapped.

"You may now kiss the groom"

We leaned in and our lips connected once more. The kiss was over as quick as it began.

"I love you Bear"

"And I love you Lion, never forget it"

The whole crowd awed in unison. The wedding was over and we invited Chris and Pj and their adopted kids. Five years ago, Pj and Chris apologized and explained themselves, we forgave them.

We would rather stay at home with friends then to go out for our honeymoon any day.

Riley and Alexis and Pj and Chris's adopted kids, Lucy and Michael were instant best friends since they first met so I'm so glad they don't have to ever go through what we did.

They played for hours and hours until it was time for them to leave.

And as the sun slowly descended behind the hills, I can hear Dan reading bed time stories to the kids. All I can think is we made it.


As per request. I have written a much happier ending for you guys.. Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote..

Love you guys and thank you to the people who stuck with me to the end of the story. I truly appreciate it.


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