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The day was going by slowly,  after my breakdown in class I was too ashamed to be in my classes.. So instead the principal gave permission to stay in the counselor's room the rest of the day and just told the teachers that I am "still traumatized from all previous events and Phil Lester needs to be there seeing as he is the only one Dan will listen too"

Honestly I wasn't complaining, we just sat on the awkward and uncomfortable chairs. We were mainly on our phones going through our various social medias. Every once and a while making slight conversation which each other.

The day passes slowly when your doing nothing. Nonetheless the school bell rang signalling we were finally able to leave this school and end one hell of a day. Walking out hand in hand we head home.

We get through the front door and are immediately tackled be Wolf, I pet him and walk towards the kitchen for food. I reach for the fridge when I see a note.

"Phil, there is a note from your mum" Phil comes over and grabs the note from my hand scanning it thoroughly.

The note reads:

Phil, Dan

I have gone out for a bit with my new boyfriend Rick. There is money on the counter for Pizza but don't stay up all night because you have school in the morning. Don't know when I'll be home so I'll see you tomorrow,
Love you boys


I look over at Phil who is shaking.

"Are you ok Phil" he looks at me and I know it's not ok, Phil never told me about what happened to his real dad so this must be hard on him.

"Come on Phil, let's go watch some tv to get our minds off it" I see him nod so I take hold of his hand and lead him to couch where he sits, not moving a muscle.. Mind you.

30 mins into the first episode of Buffy I hear whispering.

"She doesn't love him anymore, she doesn't love him anymore" Phil keeps repeating these words. I press pause on the screen and turn my attention to the clearly distressed boy next to me.

"Who doesn't she love Phil, what's up" he looks at me with tears forming in his eyes.

"Dan, there is something I haven't told you" I grab his hand in mine to let him know he can carry on.

"When I was younger, my house life was perfect, I had mum, dad and my brother Martyn-" wait, I didn't know he had a brother. "but one day me and Martyn were playing in our room and we heard screaming coming from down stairs and we went to investigate. My dad was drunk and he got violent, I mean really violent.. He hit my mum, that was the first and only time he ever did. She was knocked unconscious. After that he saw us at the door and got angry. He umm-" Phil was choking back all the tears at this point. "he killed Martyn and then realization hit him so he killed himself too. He has never acted like that before so we were upset. I love my dad and I love my brother and now my mum is just trying to forget them by going on this date" I had tears flowing down my face by the time he stopped talking, he just looked down at our hands in twined.

"I'm so sorry Phil"

"It's fine, you didn't do anything" I tackled Phil in a soft and assuring hug. "Dan, I don't trust this new guy, what if he hurts my mum"

"He he hurts your mum, then I'll make sure that's the last person he will ever hurt.. Pluuuus he won't have any balls left." I managed a giggle out of the last comment. It's feels good to make him laugh again.

Phil's POV

I feel like she is replacing both dad and Martyn by going out with Rick. Does she not care about them and what about me, she knows that I'm still not ok after that day. For god sake I lost my dad and my brother in the same day.. One murder and one Suicide.

It feels good to tell Dan, he deserves to know, especially when he's been living here and if he's going to be a part of my life forever... Which is what I'm aiming for.

I swear to god if he does anything to my mum I will kil-
I'm knocked out of my train of thought by a knock on the door, it must be the pizza Dan ordered earlier.

I open the door and pay for the pizzas before heading back to the lounge and pressing play on Buffy. Dan and I gorged our selves with pizza cuddled up together, with Wolf earily eyeing of our pizza.

Bang Bang Bang

I woke up on the lounge with a very frightened looking Dan.

"What was that" Dan whispered to me.

"I don't know" I whispered back

"let's find out" we cautiously got off the lounge and walked to the kitchen.. Nothing..

"I think it was coming from upstairs"
We walked towards the stairs and descended up them.

We stopped in shock, it was mum and Rick. I finally got a look at this guy. He had a big build, with blonde hair and a clear comb over. He was wear a dirty white tank top with black Jean shorts and steel cap boots. Plus a generic Douche looking face.

I cleared my throat to get there attention. Mum quickly turned around as did Rick.

"Oh boys, I thought you were asleep" I was furious.

"Well we were until you guys coming banging in"

"is that any way to speak to your mother" is Rick really tryna tell me what to do.

"Screw off, you can't tell me what the fuck to do" I retaliate

"PHILLIP MICHAEL LESTER" I don't care that she is angry, she shouldn't have brought in this guy. I can't stay here so with that I left and locked me and Dan in my room and I'm not coming out any time soon.

"What a douche bag that guy is, am I right" I can tell Dan is trying to make light of the situation. I heard yelling from the next room and it sent me into a panic attack because the events from years ago are repeating.

Just then I heard banging on the door...


Ahh cliffhanger

Sorry this chapter is a little rush, my early morning brain decided to think and make this for you guys. I wont leave it on a cliffhanger to long.

Also there will only be a couple more chapters left.. And I'm sorry if break any hearts with the next chapters.

Soz in advance *Hides*

Okay bye

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