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I woke up in the morning to a very sleepy Phil. It's a Saturday so I didn't want to wake him up. he looked so peaceful when he sleeps, like an angel.
I tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp but he just held on tighter.

I laughed at his attempt to make me stay.

"Come on Phil " I half whisper hoping he would hear me and let me go but also not wanting to wake him.
He did however roll over giving me the chance I need to exit.

I grabbed my towel and made way to the bathroom. I stripped down and looked in the mirror. Bruises and cuts littered my body, I can never let Phil see these or he'll hate my forever. I hopped in the shower letting the water drip down kinda soothing the imperfections I have.

After my shower, I get dressed and I walk out to find Phil wide awake on the end of my bed.

"Good morning sleepy head" I say in a tone way to happy for this early in the morning, it being 7:45 on a Saturday morning.

"Morning Danny" he replies while yawning and stretching. "what are the plans for the day" his words got me thinking, I never did anything on a weekend, my parents had always kept me locked in my room.

"Whatever you feel like Lion" he smiles at me. "Harry Potter marathon" I laugh at his suggestion.
"Sounds perfect to me" we descended down the stairs and saw Phil's mum at the kitchen bench.

"Good morning boys, what are your plans for the day" she says also in a very happy tone.

"We were gonna have a Harry Potter marathon, we came in here to get snacks and then for the next 20 plus hours we are not moving from that couch" Phil says sounding super excited.

I laugh at his excitement, it's just so cute.

"Hey Phil, you grab the snacks and I'll grab the blankets" he smiled and I ran up the fuck ton of stairs to grab the blankets. I ran back down.

"Look Philly, I have the blankets" I said in a overly excited voice.
"Awesome come over here" I walked over to the lounge and set up the blankets. Phil put in the first movie with us cuddled up.

Everyone needs a good Harry Potter marathon. We stayed on the lounge watching all of the movies only pausing to go to the bathroom. It was absolutely perfect.

Phil's POV

Our weekend has started out perfectly. The best part was I had Dan lying down with his head on my chest by the time we got to the Prisoner of Azkaban (which is my favourite Btw) it was nice, being able to watch a movie with the boy I love knowing he is safe and no one will hurt him.

"I love you philly"

"I love you my beautiful bear" it was the absolute truth. I loved Dan more than anything else, I can't believe how horrible I used to be him. To have him forgive me like he did is honestly a miracle.

By the time the end credits of The Deathly Hallows part two rolled down the screen I was drowsy and Dan was fully asleep.

I stood up, stretching. "Come on baby, we need to get to bed" he fluttered his eyes opened and closed causing a smile to form on my lips.

He stood up and almost immediately fell back down. We linked arms as we made our way upstairs to bed. He jumped under his covers and instantly fell asleep.

"I'll see you in the morning Bear" I kissed the top of his head before leaving the room and hopping in my own bed.


There's a little cute chapter for you guys, enjoy lovelies 💙💚💛💜

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