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The car ride home was silent but not the awkward kind of silence, more of the peaceful silence where I can just think and reflect on today and what may or may not of happened. I look over at Phil to see him looking at me, his icy blue eyes are tired, he has bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. It was obvious he hasn't rested.

I gave him a reassuring smile, I laced our hands together and rested my head on his shoulders for the remainder of the far trip.

I slowly felt my eyes from heavy, I drifted off and finally felt relaxed.

I woke in my bed, which was strange because I could have sworn I was in the car.

Sighing, I rose from my bed, from the bedroom window, it was dark so it was either night time or very early in the morning. I unlocked my phone, 8:23pm.

It was night. I've been asleep for hours. I slowly climb out of bed the pain from earlier today causing me to let out a slight whimper.

I made my way to the lounge room to see Phil sitting there, he seemed to be lost in his own world. I walked up next to him and sat down causing him to jump a little but relaxing when he notices it's only me.

"Oh my, Dan" he chuckles slightly.

"Who were you expecting" I say in a sarcastic tone.

He looks at me with a huge smile, " I don't know, for all I know you could have been a murderer, trying to kill me"

"How do you i'm not" I lean in, imitating a murderer but end of pecking him on the lips.

"Dan, we should really go to bed, but after school tomorrow can I please talk to you about something." his voice filled with worry as a tear forms in his eye.

"Of course lion, anything for you" I wipe away his tear as we make our way to bed.

I would be lying if said I wasn't worried, what did he want to talk to me about? Did he want to tell me he hates me and he's kicking me out, did he want to break up with me?

Stop worrying, i'm sure it's fine.

School was boring as usual but i had English next, I like English because that's the only class that I share with Phil.

I walked into the classroom immediately taking my seat next to Phil.

"Hey Philly"

"Hey Danny" he mimics my annoying nicknames.

"Are you excited for another day of exciting English" I made my voice high pitch and very sarcastic.

Phil just laughs at me as we wait for the teacher to continue.

We head out to lunch and instead of going to the library like we always do I grabbed Phil's hand started walking to one of the antique bench chairs under an oak tree at the side of the school. It was always so peaceful there we could just talk and enjoy each others company.

Phil's POV.

This was a surprise. I was expecting for Dan to take me to the library, we go there every day. This area was so pretty, a bench chair under a large oak tree and green leaves all around us setting a scene for us to enjoy.

We sat down on the chair cuddling up close together. I like being close to him, I like not being confined to an inside space.

An the area that we have ended up in is honestly the prettiest place we could be in(within the school anyway.)

"This place is so beautiful Dan, thank you for taking me here."

"It's all good Philly, you deserve it. Honestly you deserve the world". I looked in his big beautiful brown eyes and in this moment I knew everything was right, I knew I wanted Dan and I would never want any one else for long as we shall be alive.

He's the most precious thing to me, yes we have had our hiccups but they have just made us stronger.

I was there for Dan when he needed me most, I helped him so much and he's done the same for me and I know he always will. I love him.

The moment was ruined by the sound of the bell telling us it was time to head to our next lessons.

"Thank you again"

"I love you Phil"

"I love you too Bear, now let's get to class before we get in trouble" I have to admit I am a little disappointed that we have to leave this beautiful spot to head back to our boring mediocre lessons.

At least Dan had Creative Writing class, he enjoys it so he'll be fine. Even though he has PJ and Chris in his class.

That reminds me, I need to talk to him about what happened yesterday and who or what hurt him.

The final bell rung throughout the school signalling that the school day has ended. I meet up with Dan by his locker and we start heading home.

Linking hands with Dan just felt so right and I knew that nothing could ruin this moment. I love the feel of his skin on mine, the intimacy sending shivers down my spine. To think his once dull and lifeless eyes have become so full of light and love. I never want to see that change, I never want to lose the smile on his face, it was just to beautiful to lose.

We sit on my bed when we arrive and it was quiet for a long time and Dan knew it was coming.

"P-Phil please spit it out you're worrying me" his voice was shaking and I could tell he was on the verge of tears, it honestly broke my heart.

"Well yesterday Dan, you scared me. Please tell me what happened. It's just I saw your blade and I thought-" tears spilled down my cheeks as I pulled out his blade from my side draw.

"Phil, no.. It's not what you think, I would be lying if I said I didn't consider it but I didn't for you." he lifted his shirt over his head and showed me, all that was there were bruises.

"OK, thank you Dan, but why did you want to, you know c-cut in the first place" I looked at him with sorrow, I saw him pull out a piece of paper that has been crumpled up.

"Oh Dan, i'm sorry" I felt ashamed. "so was it PJ and Chris that did this to you"

"Yeah, they um, ambushed me and kind of attacked me to causing me to pass out. They said if I told you then they would hurt too. I cant have you get hurt Phil". "I'm going to kill them"

We were both emotionally wrecked by this point so we kinda just cuddled on the bed in silence.

I cant believe it. After all I did to protect my precious Bear they still hurt him. I'm not going to sit here and let them hurt him, I will fight, I will do anything to keep him safe. Mark my words they will not get away with this. I promise.

As I watched the tired boy lying beside me drift into sleep I think about how lucky I am that he is in my life, and that he is with me.

"Goodnight Bear"


There you go lovelies. This chapter is a mix of happy times plus a bit emotional and sad but hopefully it is still good.


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