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School holidays start tomorrow so I just have to survive the next 6 hours then I'll be free for two weeks, but I'm so happy to just get away from school and all the people there.

I opened my eyes, groaning, I decide its probably best just to get up and hopefully get through this day as quickly and as pain free as possible.
I entered the bathroom, taking a quick shower before straightening my hair.

I got out of the shower to see Phil still asleep. I crawl into the bed next to him nudging him softly in the hopes that he will wake up. I saw his eyes flutter open revealing the beautiful blue eyes that I have come to love.

Before saying anything he shoots me a quick smoke before entering the bathroom to start his usual morning routine of taking a shower, getting dressed, styling his fringe and putting in his contacts.

I was scrolling through Twitter on my phone when Phil finally emerged from the bathroom.
"Ready to go Bear"

"As ready as I'll ever be" I have to admit I was a little nervous but at the same time I was bloody glad to get out of that place for a couple week.

We made our way to the kitchen, grabbing a banana for breakfast before saying goodbye to miss Lester and leaving the house.

The trip to school seemed longer than usual for some reason, probably the fact that I didn't want to go at all. Although when I'm with Phil I can do to anything and I can conquer what ever comes my way.

After what seems like forever we reach the front doors of the school, I take a deep breath before stepping through the doorway of the large building.

The bell isn't going to go for another half an hour so we decide to go to "our" spot, which is the chair under the tree.

We enter the outdoor area revealing the amazing scenery. It truly is captivating. We sat on the seat getting close together, we knew the bell with go soon but it's nice to enjoy each others company.

"Bear" Phil's voice broke the silence that formed between us.

"Yeah, what's up"

"Um, I was just wondering. Do you maybe wanna skip the rest of the school day. It could be an early holiday"

His words striking confusion in me, Phil is a good boy. He would never want to intentionally skip class. I kinda liked this side of Phil and I was willing to try him out.

"Sure, okay, as long as you're sure Lion" I tried to make sure he was absolutely positive he wanted to skip.

"Definitely" he perked up when I agreed with a smile reaching from ear to ear. He grabbed my arm and we ran out of the school grounds as quickly and as quietly as possible so we wouldn't be caught by any teachers that might be lurking around.

We passed the front office and around the corner, we were running for what seemed like ages.

"Phil, stop for a second" I was struggling for words. Phil stopped and let go of my hand and the we both sat against a wall for a couple minutes panting and desperately trying to catch our breath.

I started cracking up laughing, I cant believe I just skipped school. I did skip the occasional class but not an entire day. It was terrifying and I kinda liked it.

Phil's POV

We just did that, we skipped school. I'm just praying mum doesn't find out or we're as good as dead.

"I'm glad we did this" I finally spoke up.

"Me too, we've been here a while, we should probably keep going." Dan stood up, holding his hands out for me to grab before we kept walking.

Finally we reach town. I love visiting the town. There is so much to see and definitely so much to do.

"Phil it's so beautiful here, I never got to go anywhere when I was with my parents" his tone of voice changed and he looked down at his shoes.

I squeezed his hands tighter.
"Well Dan, i'm just going to have to show you all the best places."

It's weird to me because I know this place so well and I've been going all around here for years so it's not really that special to me but if it's special to my Bear than I am going to help him enjoy it for as much as possible. He deserves it. After everything at school, his fucked up family and all the pain he causes himself, it feels good seeing him happy and enjoying everything.

"Phil" he half whines at me in a super cute voice, while holding out the L.

"Yes, Bear" I chuckled at his child like voice and how cute it actually was.

"I'm hungry"

"OK, let's stop for food" I grabbed his hand and lead him around the corner to my favourite antique cafe, I used to come here all the time when my mum and dad were still together but not as much since the split.

So much emotion running through me as we walked through the large wooden doors and into the dimly lit and cosy cafe. We take a seat at the far end of the room on a brown couch with a coffee table for our drinks.

I walked up to the counter to order our food.
"Phil, long time no see. What can I get for ya" they still remember who i am, I have to say I'm amazed"

"Hey Ella, um can I have two hot chocolates and two slices of your very best caramel slice." Ella has been a good friend of mine since I was little but I haven't seen her in quite a while since I stopped coming here.

"Certainly can hun, won't be long" after I got the food and drinks, I walked back over to Dan who was reading one of the magazines that were on the table.

"Thanks Lion"

"Anytime Bear, they do the absolute best caramel slice ever so I got you some"

"Yumm" he had the biggest grin on his face as he stuck his fork into his dessert while drinking his hot chocolate.

I'm so glad he's finally eating again, not in big amounts but he's getting there and that's all I could ever ask for. All I want is a healthy Dan and I will help him as much as I can.

30 mins later after some delicious food and a good chat we said goodbye to the cafe and continued down the road to see what else we can find before the day is done.

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