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Phil's POV

It is the day our assignment is due. Dan has finally been cleared to go back to school, he seems really nervous but I'm just glad I won't be alone.

Mum drove us to school and I hopped out the car and opened the door for Dan. He gave a weak smile before getting out himself. We waved goodbye to mum before locking hands and heading towards class. Dan was trying hard to keep his arms hidden to hide the scars.

I squeezed his hand to reassure him that it's fine. We made it to class pain free, just the occasional person shocked to see Dan back at school. We were the first ones I'm class so we made our way to our usual seats at the back.

The bell sounded through the school and students started piling into the once empty room. Everybody talking was making it hard to think about anything. I have been freaking out about today especially so we my little break down a while ago while Dan was still I'm hospital. I know the teachers and counsellor will want to talk to myself and Dan. Although I'm not sure if he'll be up to it, it's his first day back for peats sake, let the poor boy rest.

The teacher walks in. "Okay guys, I am coming around to collect all your assignments, no assignment equals detention, got it!"

She walked down each row of desks collecting everyone's assignments. It was finally out turn, she didn't look up. "Phil Lester, assignment please" I handed it to her when he goes to walk away and I stop him.
"ah, I think you forgot someone" he looks up about to say something when he stops dead. "Dan Howell, you're here"

Everyone looks at us whispering.

"what the hell is he doing here"

"I thought he was dead"

"I'm confused"

Dan squeezed my hand tight and I smiled at him to tell him it's OK for him to talk. "Yeah, i-im here" the teacher takes his assignment and walks back to his desk.

"Just talk among yourselves and do whatever for the rest of the lesson while I mark your assignments" he turns his head and looks down while Dan and I grab out our visual diary's and start doodling random sketches.

Class started of good, nothing to eventful which was good because I don't want anything to make Dan worse than he already is. The entire class I have been feeling as if someone is watching us so I lift my head from my book and scan the room for the culprit, then my eyes land on a familiar pair of green eyes, Pj. Of course it is. Why the fuck can't he just leave us alone.
He nudges Chris who is now staring at us giving very threatening looks. It's time to leave. I walk up to the front and let the teacher know that it's been a hard time for Dan and he really needs to leave because he is feeling very overwhelmed by being at school again. She nods her head yes so I head back to Dan, grab his hand I lead him out.

"Are you ok Lion" I put my hand on his knee as I looked into his golden brown eyes.

I wanted to tell him everything was not ok. To tell him that I hate myself every single day. I just wish I didn't have to be so strong. I wanted to breakdown and have him tell that everything is going to be ok and that things get better even though in my heart I know they probably won't but most of all I wanted to tell him something that has been eating me alive but it's just not the right time so instead I tell him something that is only half the truth.

"I'm alright babe, but it's just Pj and Chris staring at us and giving us weird looks and I don't want anything to happen to you" I cuddle into his chest because I want to tell him so freaking badly but I just can't.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.. I promise" I manage to nod after a minute of thinking.
Seconds later our English teacher comes racing out of the room.

"Oh there you are boys, I've just read your stories and it honestly moved me so much" Dan and I look at each other and smile. "You two must honestly love each other and the way you two care about each other is amazing, you guys get top marks, congratulations" we are both over joyed.

Dan's POV

Dan told me he was afraid of what Pj and Chris might do bit honestly I think there might be more to it then he is letting on. I went to question him about it when the teacher comes out of the class. He said she loves our stories about each other and that we got top marks. I'm so happy and I decide not to ask Phil what he might be hiding.

The rest of the day was going good until lunch time, where Phil and I decided to spend some time together before last class. We managed to get through the day without an encounter with Pj or Chris. It looks like I jinxed it because they both turned around the corner and walked toward where we were seated at the back of the school. This place brought up so much memories that i have tried to suppress down to the back of my memory.

"Hey Dan, Phil. How's it going" there voices were soft and it just wasn't right.
"What do you want, go away" I tried to keep my voice stern. "Oh Dan, I just wanted to see how my good friends were going."

Phil looked pissed, "We're not Fucking friends, you have been nothing but horrible to Dan and I can't take that. We have never been friends, even when I was apart of your group we weren't friends. You bully people for fun and the only reason I did it too was to make sure I wasn't a victim of your sadistic plans. I love Dan, so deal with it. We are happy together and we don't need you messing it up for us so do us a favour and fuck off and leave us alone."

Wow, Phil just went off at Pj and Chris and he stood up for me. I love him even more now.
"B-But, b-but" they couldn't even say a word so they just left.

Phil and I cracked up laughing. He left them absolutely speechless. All to protect me. He's the first person who has ever cared for me, before I could even thank him, the bell went signalling we had class. We started walking to our classes when we were stopped by Alexis the counselor.

"Oh Phil, how's it going. Is this the Dan I have heard so much about" I nodded my head. "great, I have already notified your teachers that you will be spending the last hour of school with me, we have a lot to catch up on" Dan gave me a worried look and held his hand tighter as we walked behind Alexis to her room.


Yay. Phil stood up for himself against Pj and Chris in front of Dan.

I am so happy for him.

And what is Phil's little secret that he and been hiding from Dan.. Hmm

You might find out in the next chapter *Wink Wink*
Also as of the next chapter it will continue on with Dan's POV then Phil's.

Enjoy lovelies, see ya

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