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We woke in the morning still on the lounge cuddled up together. It was perfect. I had so much fun last night. I honestly didn't think it was possible to have that much fun seeing as most of my life I was tormented and stuck to my own, I never even had one friend until Phil, even if he was one of the people who tormented me. He apologized for everything and I forgave him and trust him 100% now.


"Oh morning Phil, didn't realize you were awake." good thing he can't read my thoughts.

We surprisingly we made it to school early today, we had time to spend together before class starts so we just went for a little walk around.

We were outside holding hands and from the corner of my eye I saw PJ and Chris staring at us from across the field, I whispered to Phil, he got a evil smirk on his lips. I love when he gets like this. He looked straight at them to say look at me, then he kissed me passionately and when we broke the kiss we looked back at them, they were in shock so we both blew kisses at them and continued walking just as the bell went and we walked to class.

I got another text from father as I was sitting in class.

Dad: Don't forget you are meeting up with me after to school today, at our house.

Me: I don't live there anymore but whatever, i'm bringing my boyfriend Phil with me.

Dad: so Phil's his name, cute

I couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not. Of course he isn't, this is probably some sick joke so that he can hurt you again. Well as long as I have Phil with me I know he won't be able to hurt me.

_________time skip_____________

It was the moment of truth, time to find out if my dad is tricking me and wants to hurt me or if he wants to apologize or something, guess we'll find out sooner or later.

I waited for Phil and we made the slow and painful journey to my "House". Phil could probably tell that I was freaking because he grabbed my hand and started tracing patterns on my hand which seemed to calm me down a little but not completely.

We reached my the front door, I took a big breath in before raising my hand and knocking on the door. The door opened, it was mum. I haven't seen my mother in along time seeing as she ran off the mailman.

She pulled me into a hug and it startled me a little, my mother has never been this gentle to me.. Like ever..

"Eric, Dan and Phil are here" I gave Phil a concerning look as my father showed in the door, he gave me a hug.

"Welcome back son" I was so mortified by this point. I could tell that Phil was just as confused as I was, seeing as my parents weren't acting like I used to tell about. They weren't drunk or abusive.

"do come in son, and you too Phil."
I hesitated before walking into the house. It looked the same as when I left.

Phil and I were on the couch feeling very awkward and we could see my parents whispering to each other.

"Phil, I have a bad feeling about this" I whispered over to Phil.

"I agree, we need to leave" we made a run for the door but was quickly stopped by my dad blocking the door.

"And where do you think you little faggots are going" his warm smile turned into a very evil smirk.

I looked over at Phil, I knew what coming next.

Phil's POV

Dan looked at me with fear his eyes. I think I know what's coming. I grabbed Dan's hand. His dad went to kick him but I jumped in front of him, protecting him like I said I would always do. I fell to the ground holding my stomach.

"Noooooo Phil" Dan dropped next to me. "Leave him alone, please" tears spilling heavily from my eyes, "what did I ever do to you to deserve any of this" Dan's questions to him.

"you became a filthy little faggot" his words stinging me worse then any physical scars on me.

I pulled myself off of the ground, I was being held by Dan, I looked into his beautiful and very dull chocolate eyes and knew I had to stay strong for his sake.

"Dan on the count of three, run out the back door and dong stop till you reach my house, I'll be right behind you the whole time." I could tell he didn't want to leave me but he nodded tears splashing on the ground.

I whispered in his ear "1, 2, 3" I got to the count of three and Dan did what I asked and he ran.

"Get the fuck back here, you piece of worthless crap" his words were harsh but that was the distraction I needed to escape. I unlocked the front door and just as I was about to exit, his mother grabbed me, slashing me on the chest with one her kitchen knives.

I didn't have time to stop, I had to make sure that Dan was OK. I ran, well hobbled down the street and a few blocks to my house.

I got inside. "DAN, ARE YOU HERE DAN" I was starting to get worried when I was tackled by Dan giving me a hug.

"oww" I was in a lot if pain but who cares about me, as long as Dan is OK.

"Oh my god, Phil I'm so sorry, I was so scared. I thought he was going to kill you" he was shaking.

"it's okay, i'm not that hurt" I lied but I couldn't admit that. "Phil, you're bleeding show me" his voice was stern so I did what he said and took my shirt off revealing the giant slash mark on my chest from his mother.

At that moment my mum walked through the door. She saw us and was absolutely mortified.

"What in the hell happen Phil, Dan" we couldn't keep it a secret anymore so as she fixed up my wound, Dan told her everything about his parents and what just happen.

She ran out of the bathroom where we were and grabbed her phone dialling the police. I told her the address and they took away my parents and hopefully I will never have to see them again and that they won't hurt me anymore.

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