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We made our way downstairs. After what Phil told me about his mum and her tendencies to explode, i'm now worried.

What if she hates me now, thinks I'm a bad influence on Phil. What if she kicks me out, then I'll have no where to go and I will be alone. With no food so I'll starve and knowing my luck I'll be attacked or something.

We took our seats at the table opposite Mrs Lester. We could feel her stare at us but I think we were both to worried to even look at her.

"Thanks mum" Phil finally spoke up.
That wasn't a good idea.

"I'm not finished with you too, let me get this straight. You skipped school because it was the last day and you didn't want to be there. Hmm" we nodded not lifting out gaze from our laps. "WELL THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH" our eyes shot up and we looked at each other. I've never heard Mrs Lester yell and I don't think Phil has heard her yell in a long time.

"Who's idea was it"

"Mine mum" Phil piped up but I couldn't let him take all the blame.

"Yes, but I went a long with it" our hands we clasped so tight underneath the table. She sighed.

"I'm very disappointed in both of you, please go back up stairs, I don't want to see either of you right now."

We nodded and heading back up the stairs and into Phil's room. We were both still in shock.

"You didn't have to do that Dan"

"Yeah, I did. It's true I didn't stop you so it's both our faults and I'm not gonna let my amazing boyfriend take all the blame now am I." I wrapped my arms around him in hug.

"Thanks" I heard him whisper into my shoulder.


"Yes Bear"

"Can I sleep in your room tonight, I don't want to be alone" my voice innocent.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way" He smiled reassuringly at me and my nerves calmed down.

We cuddled up under the blankets, me using his chest as my pillow. I fell asleep to the sound of Phil's heartbeat. I just knew in this moment that everything will be okay.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Phil quietly snoring, he was cute when he snores. Like a baby or an angel so soft and fragile. I smiled at the sight before finally deciding to pull myself out of bed and have a shower.

I walked into the bathroom, stripping down. I stared at the mirror. My once badly bruised skin was starting to heal. Purple bruises to a light yellow and the red destruction lines were fading away. I smiled to myself, i'm finally getting better. I quickly showered before dressing in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with crimson red back pockets and a white T-shirt with multiple pictures of a cat on it. I slipped on my black converse before straightening my hair and heading back into Phil's room to see him still in bed. Oh my god Phil, I chuckled a little seeing him still fast asleep.

"Wakey wakey Lion, time to get up" my voice was soft but still firm.

He rolled onto his side, "But I don't wanna" I heard him faintly say seeing as his face was in his pillow.

"Come on, shower now" I held out my hand and he obliged. He was up and into the shower leaving me to wait. Thanks Phil.

Phil's POV

It's so early in the morning and I want to sleep but Dan wants me up so I'll get up only because it's a Saturday and I have a surprise for him. After my shower I got dressed into my dark grey jeans and pitch black shirt with a picture of a lion on it, then slipped on my black vans before straightening my hair and putting in my contact lenses.

I exited the bathroom only to see Dan and made him self comfortable on the bed and he was scrolling through what looked like Tumblr or Facebook. Walking up to him a gave him a hug from behind causing him to jump a little.

"Fuck you, oh my god Phil you spork" his attempt at an insult is humorous to say the least.

"Awe baby, you love me" I tease at him kissing the top of his head before opening the bedroom door.

"Coming" I looked over at him. He smiled and followed me out the door to the kitchen where breakfast was laid out on the bench, pancakes with whipped cream and maple syrup. I asked mum specifically if we could have this for breakfast, she was still annoyed at us but agreed given what day it was.

"What is the agenda for today philly" he choked out his words in between scoffing down his pancakes.

"I have a big surprise for you later. So when you're ready we'll go" his smile stretched from ear to ear and I could see how excited he was and it made me feel really happy.

"I'm ready now, Philly can we go now" he was practically jumping in his seat.

"Hmm I dunno" I answered teasing him. I checked the time, 11:28.

"Pleeeeease" he was now giving me the puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist them.

"Okay Bear, only cause I love ya" he jumped off his seat quickly grabbing his coat and he was out of the door.

I laughed. He was like an overly excitable child. I followed him out of the front door making sure to grab the bag from the hall. I closed the door and headed down the path. I made Dan closes his eyes as I escorted him to the park we both love so much. We soon arrived.

I set the bag down. "Okay Bear, you can open your eyes now" His eyes fluttered open.

"Happy Birthday Bear" I kissed his surprised lips and I could tell that he was trying to comprehend what was going on.

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