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We walked down the cobblestone paths hand in hand, trying hard to ignore all the judgemental stares from people passing by. Mostly the elderly and little kids but it still hurts either way.

"Mummy, why are those two boys holding hands" a small child walking past us questions to his mother.

"This way Jack, what they're doing is disgusting and unnatural" her stare was cold but we just looked at her and smiled. There wasn't a point in getting annoyed especially in front of her child even if what she's saying isn't right.

I felt Phil squeeze my hand, his eyes were warm and he gave me a look as if to say "it's alright", I smiled at his gesture and we kept on walking ignoring the judgement.

I honestly don't get why people have to be so judgemental and homophobic. I mean it's the twenty first century for gods sake, people needs to grow up and get their heads out of their arses and wake up to them selves.

I was in a bad mood after that but I didn't want to upset Phil so I put on my fake smile and pretended like everything was fine when it wasn't.

"Are you alright Bear" Phil nudged my arm slightly. Obviously my smile wasn't convincing enough because he caught on pretty quick.

I slowly nodded not daring to make any form of eye contact with Phil or I would break completely.

I heard a sigh coming from next to me then he was pulling to the nearest bench. He grabs my hands softly and rubs soothing circles on the back of my hands.

"Dan, please look at me" I hesitantly lifted my head so that my chocolate brown eyes met the oceany abyss of his beautiful eyes. (Just pretend oceany is a word, for me 😂) his eyes filled with worry, I feel horrible making him constantly worried about me, I don't mean it honestly..

I felt a tear sliding down my cheek seconds before I felt Phil wipe it away.
"Please tell me what's on your mind" he moved closer.

"I-it's j-just, people are so judgemental and are horrible to us and me and everyone before getting to know us first. And think just because we aren't straight we are automatically bad people" I paused for a brief second, this time I had a tsunami of tears streaming down my face. "I'm sick of it" I was speaking so fast even I could hardly remember what I said.

I noticed Phil was crying too just before I was tackled in a hug.

"People are such idiots Dan, I know it's hard but one day we will be accepted properly and the day that happens we can rub it in to all those snotty as pricks out there because we are better than they are" his little speech had caused a smile to form on my face and a chuckle to escape my lips before we both erupted in a fit of laughter.

We just stayed on that seat for a while and honestly I didn't care what the people around me were saying because honestly Phil was so right and I don't need to worry about them, so i won't. I'll just ignore them, one day they'll get what's coming to them.

Phil's POV

Seeing Dan like that honestly breaks my heart. I love this both more than I can ever imagine and I hate seeing those eyes filled with so much sorrow, I want to see his eyes shining bright again.

I checked my phone, 2:57.

"Come on Danny boy, let's go home" he just laughed at me. I held out my arm, we linked arms and started on the path home.

"Okay Phil, but never call me Danny boy ever again please. It's making me cringe just thinking about it" I chuckled at his comment.

"No promises"

We reached the front door. I checked my phone again, 3:17. It should be safe enough for us to go in by now. I slowly turned the nob only to see my mum sitting in the arm chair facing the front door. I wonder how long she's been waiting there for.

"Ah Phil, Dan. There you are. I've been waiting for you" her voice was sweet but I knew it was anything but sweet.

Dan and I just looked at each other.
"Yes mum"

He voice going up a few decibels. "and why were you two not in class today, and where in the world have you been"

"Cause it's the last day of school and we didn't want to be there" I knew she wouldn't take the bate but I fished out the words anyway.

"So you think just cause its the last day, you can just skip" we shook our heads no.
"Correct, now head to your rooms and we will talk about this later on." we rushed up stairs. Collapsing on my bed. She was way too easy on us. The storm is brewing and it's going to land on us soon. But for now we are going to sit in worry for when it does come. Because with my mum nothing is ever calm when she's pissed off and honestly I feel bad for Dan when it comes, he not gonna know what hit him.

"She let us off easy" I heard Dan piped up next to me.

"Oh no she didn't, that was only the first part. She going to explode we just don't know when" I explained what happens when mum gets pissed at something.

He had fear in his eyes. "She's not going to kick me out, will she"

"No, no, no. Definitely not. She's not that mean. Plus it was my idea to skip school so if anyone will be punished it will be me." he smiled at me before giving me a quick peck on the lips before heading down stairs for dinner. Oh great. We are probably not going to live to the first day of the holidays.

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