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I am awoken by my annoying alarm ringing in my ears, I turn it off but somehow it hasn't managed to wake up the sleeping beauty next to me.

I try to release from his grasp only to have him grab onto me harder, I laugh at the sight.

"Baaaabbee, I have to get up and so do you" seconds later a pair of gorgeous blue eyes flutter open.

"Can you let me go please" he releases me flopping onto his back and pulling the blankets up high onto him.

Getting up I stretch and make my way to the bathroom. I lean out for a second.

"Oh Philly, you better get ready or we'll be late to school" I close the door and start the shower. After my shower I get dressed and exit the bathroom. Are you kidding me.

Phil is still lying in bed and I can hear him snoring. I roll my eyes at my beautiful boyfriend. As if on cue wolf comes banging through the door and up onto the bed disturbing Phil from his slumber. Phil quickly jumped up. Holding onto Wolf.

"what's going on" his words a bit slurred. I giggled at the terrified Phil.

"Wolfy just wanted to say hello to his daddy" I gave Phil a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm up, i'm up" Phil made his way out if bed and into the bathroom. While I made my way down stairs with Wolf not far behind. I opened up the back door for Wolf then I filled up his food and water bowl. Just then Phil came rushing down the stairs grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, dragging me out out of the house. I made sure I grabbed my bag too.

We made it to school just in time. We separated so we could go to our classes. Yesterday the principal said that Phil could join all my classes but only yesterday but now I'm scared to go alone. I'm scared people will go back to being horrible, plus what about Pj and Chris, they're in most of my classes. What if they go after me again because I don't have Phil with me.

I walk into class just as first bell goes.
I'm then 'greeted' by the teacher.

"Cutting it a little fine, aren't you Howell, just because you've been away so long doesn't mean you can start slacking off" my blood is boiling, he knows why I've been away so long. I haven't been having a god damn holiday or slacking off, I've been in a coma. I've been asleep not physically able to wake up. I could've been dead but not like this guy would even care, would he? I never have liked this teacher but I decide to swallow my words and keep quiet, for now.

"Yes sir" I take my usual seat at the back and pull out my phone to text Phil.

Dan: I hate this class already

Phil: What happened Bear, are you okay?

Dan: The teacher just had a go at me for 'almost' being late. And everyone won't stop staring at me

Phil: What the heck, really?

Dan: Yeah, I don't like it Lion

Phil: Okay, if anything happens and you can't take leave class and come find me or text me.

Dan: Okay Lion, I will. I have to go because the teacher is getting angry at me now.. I love you.

Phil: I love you too

A fist slams on my desk, it is the teacher. "Phone now Howell" I shake my head no.

"What you think you can come back from your vacation and break all the rules and think your better than everyone else" I can't take it anymore. I stand up so I'm face to face with him.

"Vacation, is that what you think it is, it wasn't a fucking vacation. I was in a coma, do you understand. I was asleep and I almost died. I was in the coma because I tried to kill myself-" I lifted my sleeves revealing all my faded and still kinda fresh scars. "so don't you say it was a vacation. I could've been dead but would you care, NO. Would any of these idiots give a fuck, I'm talking to you Pj and Chris, NO. You wouldn't, so I'm going to find the one person who does, my boyfriend" and with that I slammed the door leaving them speechless.

Phil's POV

The class almost finished and all I was doing was drawing in my book. Then I felt my phone vibrate.

Dan: I need you

Phil: where are you?

Dan: I'm near the science classrooms at the end of the school, please hurry.

Phil: I'm on my way, stay there

I quickly packed up my bag and informed the teacher about why I had to leave. She said I could go because she knows the whole situation. I ran out of class towards where he said he was. I turned the corner and saw Dan sitting up against the wall, knees to his chest and it looks like he's crying.

"Dan" his head shoots up, is face is red and eyes are puffy with tear stains down his cheek.


"It's me Dan, what happened" he informed me of what happened and I was pissed at the teacher, he's not allowed to do that especially when Dan is so unstable at the moment. I sat down next to him, putting my arms on his back and his head layed on my shoulder. Tears falling down his cheeks onto my shoulder but I don't care about that.

"I will fix this Dan, I don't know how exactly but I will" I could feel him nod then a simple thank you escaped his lips.

"I love you so much Phil"

"And I love you a thousand times more my little Bear, I will always be here for you whenever you need it."


Omg guys, sorry this chapter was kinda shitty but I haven't updated in forever and felt that I needed to give you guys something so there you go.

My poor Dan, I feel so sorry for him and I'm so glad that he has someone like Philly.

Also he stood up for himself, it was more of a mental breakdown but it still counts.

Until next time byyyyyyeeeeee!!!

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