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He knows about your cuts and he probably hates you more then he already did, you're such a freak, why do you have to do this Dan. Also why did he help me and want to eat with me, it makes no sense at all

My thoughts rushing through my head as I made the slow trek home. I walked in the door and made my way up the stairs to my room. It doesn't look like my parents are home which is good.

I took a quick shower and changed my bandages, I really couldn't care less if my arms bled but for some reason Phil did so I fixed my arms for his sake. I got dressed in my really comfortable pants and my oversized shirt with "RAWR" printed on the front.

I checked my phone and noticed had a text from Phil. I smiled at his message, to think that I Dan Howell crossed someone's mind and they cared enough to message me.

Phil: hey xx

Dan: hi

I patiently waited for a reply as I scrolled through my twitter feed. I heard the familiar ding as my phone lit up, I smiled knowing who was on the the other end of the conversation.

Phil: How are you

Dan: A bit sore and very tired but I'm used to it

Phil: I wish I was there with you, I really want to see your face

Dan: you don't have to but do you maybe want to Skype

I waited for his reply expecting the worse.

Of course he doesn't want to Skype, why would he want to see your ugly face.


Phil: omg sure, I would really like that

Dan: cool,

I grabbed my laptop opening Skype, I typed in Phil Lester and pressed the call button. I wasn't waiting for long before his face showed on my screen and if I am gonna be honest I was really happy when he did.

"Hey" Phil said finally breaking the silence between us.
"Um hi" I replied while feeling very awkward.

We talk for a long time. Just about everything and I was starting to feel like I could actually trust him, I loved this feeling. I haven't trusted anyone in a long time. It's actually kinda nice.

It was 5.00 pm, I totally lost track of time. I heard the door slam.

I told Phil to mute himself and wait.
"DANIEL, OH DANIEL" my dads mocking words ring through my ears as I took one last look at Phil and waited for my dad to burst through the door.

He walked in and he looked like shit so he's obviously been drinking again.

"I got a call from your teacher today saying you skipped class with another boy." I looked down at my sleeves.
Then suddenly he pulled me on to my feet and kicked me in the stomach causing me to crash down to the ground. He kicked me a few more times before leaving me alone and exiting my room.

I was on the floor for a while before I realised Phil just saw everything. I pulled my self up and sat on my bed with a tear in my eye and a fake smile on my lips. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.

Phil's POV

I'm scared, I have no idea what the Fuck just happened. A man who I am assuming is Dan's dad just walked in yelling and hitting Dan. Good job idiot, after all the torturing you did to him at school he gets the same at home.

The man left and Dan hasn't moved, tears spill down my cheeks, as I wait to see if Dan gets up, I unmute myself and a few minutes later he appears in shot and a wave of relief shoots through me. He's crying but he has a smile on, obviously fake.

"Dan, you need to get out of there" he doesn't seem so respond. "please, I can't see you hurt" he nods.

"Meet me at the park as soon as possible" before he replied to me he ends call and I really hope he comes.

I throw on a jacket and wave a quick goodbye to my mum before I am out of the house and make my way down the streets to the park.

I've been waiting at the park for 20 minutes now so I decide to call him because he might be in trouble.

He answers the phone and I can tell he's been crying. "P-Phil I need help, please help me" I get really worried.
"Where are you" I say in a shaky tone.

"I'm just outside my house," please be OK. "I'm on my way just stay there"

I hung up the phone and ran all the way to his house. When I arrived he was on the ground at the side of his house shaking and crying, I ran over to him.

"Dan, we are leaving, you need to get away from here" he nodded his head, I help him up and we set of towards my head.

I sent a quick text to my mum

Phil: hey mum is it alright if a friend's stays over for a couple days or so, it's really unsafe for him to be at home

Mum: oh my god, of course sweetheart. See you soon

We walked silently to my house, I looked over to him and he was looking down and he was playing with his sleeve. I gave him a reassuring smile. He gave my a very unconvincing smile as we kept walking.

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