31 {Last Chapter}

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Two days later!

Chris's POV

Pj and I were sitting in class, the bell just rang and everyone was here but Dan and Phil. Weird. Not like them to miss the school.

Why should, I care. I hate them.. Right?

*P.A system over school speaker*

"Excuse me and sorry for the interruption to your lessons but we have just gotten some bad news from the police, two nights ago the police got an anonymous tip off from a boy saying that there was a maniac in his house. When they arrived the boy was gone but the police found something more horrific.. A student from this school was found dead--"

Please don't be who I think it is.

"Along with his mother, the next thing they discovered was another boy who happened to be the boyfriend was found dead at the river bank by our very school. He was there on the night. One was murdered and one committed suicide so be with his dead lover. The boys names are Daniel Howell and Philip Lester.."

There was a pause, my heart literally stopped. I always joked about them killing themselves but I never thought anything would actually happen. Me and Pj just looked at each other in complete shock with tears streaming down our faces along with other students in the class and the teacher.

The Principal Continued.

"School has been cancelled for the day and the rest of the week and there will be a funeral service running tomorrow for any friends of the two boys or any one who wants to pay their respects and say a final goodbye. Good luck to all and I hope to see you tomorrow"

The principal finished and we all were dismissed and told to to go home.

The next day...

Morning arrived and I was getting ready to go to the funeral. I'm distraught. I blame my self completely for everything. So I'm going to go. Tell everyone how I feel and hope they hear me.

I arrive at the cemetery and quickly find Pj..

Everyone is here. The whole school and there are a lot of people at the school, including students, staff and teachers.. They were all here.

We all stood around their coffins that were directly next to each other as no one wanted to separate them. People close to them or that vaguely knew them came up and said a few words, the guy doing the ceremony asked if anyone else had something to say before they were lowered in to the ground.

I took a deep breath before walking to the front of the group. I heard a few whispers from people, probably why I'm up here looking like a complete wreck over this especially when I was one of their biggest bullies, I ignored them and stepped forward anyway.

"Hey guys, I know you're probably wondering why I'm up here when you all know I was one of their biggest bullies, especially to Dan. I'm such an idiot, I know that. I can honestly say that Phil was one of my best friends along with Pj. The reason I started bullying Dan was from some petty little primary school drama.. And I know that is a terrible excuse because I'm in high school and will be graduating to college in a few short months. I was a tormentor. Then Phil who I thought was my best friend starting sticking up for him, so i targeted him as well. And when they started dating I couldn't handle it because Dan was stealing my friend away. I'm so sorry and I realised what I was doing was wrong way too late after they were gone. I just hope that they can some how here me from the afterlife and forgive me and to everyone here and everywhere. I make a promise, a vow if you will. To never bully another soul as long as I live. Forgive me."

I heard a wave of claps erupt as I drop to the ground in a fit of tears as Dan and Phil get lowered to the ground. I throw one last flower on their coffins before they are covered in earth. Most people payed their respects to them and by the time everyone left it looked like a florist by their tombstones.

Everyone left one by one until it was just Pj and I left by the graves, we were still crying and frantically saying sorry in hope that they would hear our pleas for forgiveness.

I felt my shoulder tingle and I could have sworn I heard both Dan and Phil's voice telling me it's OK and that they forgive me. I got the one thing I was looking for all along, closure.

Them telling me everything's alright, that they are happy now. We stayed most of the day, talking to their graves. Telling them stories and what not. I don't know if they really heard but something in me tells me that they did and that's all I ever wanted.

Weeks went past and I visit their graves every week and talk to them along with Pj and we'll stay there for hours..

I kept my promise that I made at the funeral. I've stopped bullying and a lot and so had Pj. A lot of people actually want to be out friends and aren't scared of us anymore and I couldn't be happier about it.

Sometimes I still get sad and cry, I also still wish I had said sorry to them both while they were still alive.

I still hear them occasionally whenever I go to the cemetery and I think they forgive me, also I think they know I was an idiot and never meant for it to go as far as I did.

The guy who killed and abused them was given a life sentence in solitary confinement in one of the toughest jails there is and he won't ever be leaving any time soon, thankfully. Once again and I will continue to say for as long as I live, Dan and Phil

I'm sorry.


There you guys final chapter done and I am super proud of this story seeing as it was my first ever story(Clearly). Even being a Phanfiction, it was tricky to write but I got there. go me. Sorry if you cried during any of the book, it contained a lot of happy moments, sad moments and Pheels.

But I like how it ended. Tell me if you liked it and what you liked about or didn't like. Vote.

Anyway thank you for reading.

Bye 👋

~~~ Mikayla Martin.

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