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It's been over a week since the suicide attempt. I've been getting worse. I don't know what to do without him. When I first met him. I never would of known that he would become so important to me.

I was sitting in my class on a normal Thursday when the class was interrupted by a knock on the door, it was the front office lady, she was holding a phone.

"Sorry to disturb your lesson but can I please talk to Phil Lester" the teacher nodded and I went out of class.

"I'm on the phone with the hospital, they said you ask them to keep you updated with someone called Dan." her voice soft because of how emotionally wrecked I am right now.

"Oh my god, what happened. Is Dan alright" I was worried now.

"Here hun, I'll put you on the phone" she hands me the phone and I speak.


"Hi, is this Mr Lester?"

"Ah y-yeah"

"great. Well, Dan has improved and he would wake up and any time and we think it would be best if the first thing he sees when he wakes up is someone he cares about." for the first time in ages I actually cracked a smile.

"Thank you, i'm on my way" I quickly informed the teacher which he agreed and I was out and caught the next bus that lead to the hospital.

I ran in to where Dan has been for the past week and a bit. He looks so different. His skin has now turned more tan like it used to be and his breaths have become less shallow and more steadier.

"Hey, it's been a struggle without you, people think I need help, even when though thing I need is you. They say you've gotten better so please if you can hear me, give me a sign" I sigh. He hasn't heard me yet. It's just wishful thinking I guess.

Dan's POV

"Please wake up Dan, I beg of you" I can hear Phil whisper the last part and sigh. My eyes won't let me open them but I feel his hand in mind so I try with all my might to squeeze his hand, I give his hand a slight squeeze but I don't know if he felt.

"Oh my god Dan, did you squeeze my hand"

He has his head resting on my chest. I managed to open my eyes. I notice I am lying on a sterile white bed attached to a lot of beeping machines. Where am I.

"P-Phil" my voice is dry, how long have I been asleep and what the hell happened to me. Phil's head shot up in shock.

"Oh Dan, you're awake" he immediately drapes his arms around me and I winced in Pain.

"Sorry" his voice barely a whisper
"I have to get the doctor"

Minutes later nurses come in assessing me and doing a lot of different things to me. Minutes later they exit to view the results.

"P-Phil, what happened." he looked towards my shoes and grabs my hand.

"You, um. You tried to K-k-kill yourself, you've been in a coma for a week and a half now."

The memories coming flooding back, the night I heard Dan coming to check on me but all I did was ignore him. Trying to kill myself. I almost succeeded. But how could I have been in a coma for that long. I missed the end of the holidays, the holidays that was supposed too be quality time with the most important person in my life. I have also missed the first week of school.

My thoughts were interrupted by Phil's mum rushing through the door.

"Daaaaan" I was deafened by the sound of Mrs Lester's words.

"I'm so glad you're awake" she gave me a hug almost as constricting as Phil's.

"Thank you" It hurts so much to talk but I feel like I need to

"Come on boys, the doctors say we can leave but Dan, I have to keep an eye on you for awhile ok." I nodded in agreement.

Phil helped me off the bed and hobble through the hospital to the car park.

The car ride was painful. Every bump of the car would cause my cuts and bruises to sting.

Back at home, I was immediately greeted by Wolf pouncing off of me when I entered the house.
I winced in pain.

"Hey Wolfy"

"Down Boy" Phil spoke up detaching Wolf from my lap. He picked me up and helped me up the stairs with Wolf following close behind.

"I don't want to go to bed" I pouts at him before chuckling slightly.

"I know Bear, but you need to rest"

"Will you please stay with me"

"Of course" we both climbed under the covers so we were cuddled up together. I rest my head on Phil's tummy before my eyes become heavy and I drift off to sleep. Wolf curled up at the end of the bed

*Next Morning*

"But I want to stay here with Dan"

"I understand that but you still need an education"

"Screw my education, I want to be here for him"

I can hear yelling coming from downstairs, I decide to investigate. I stretch before attempting to leave my bed. One leg, then two legs. I try to walk but my legs are in so much pain and I can't wear some clothes because they hurt my arm. I'm in a lot of pain but I manage to make my way towards all the yelling.

My head peeks around the corner to see what all the yelling is about until I am spotted by Phil.

"I'm so sorry Dan, did we wake you up" he walks up to me and we give each other a long hug.

"No, I was up anyway, um, what was all the yelling for"

"Don't worry Bear, it is all good." I nod at him

"Okay, i'm going to go have a shower" I turn and walk back to my bathroom. I look at my body in the mirror. Cuts and bruises have taken over my body. Plenty of very true words have been cut into my thigh and I don't know why anyone would ever want me alive. I can't stand being in there too long because of the pain. When I'm out I get dressed and head back down stairs.


Dan is awake and out of hospital. I am so glad. It won't automatically go back to how it was written before(Dan's POV, then Phil's) sometimes it might be Phil first but I'll say who's turn it is at the top.

Anyway enjoy!


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