Chapter One

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Sorry about the spaces between the commas.It's a really annoying habit.



Sorry about the mistake with the boats and carriages - first years go in the boats.I would change it but it will get all confusing.

Some characters and the main setting of the story is owned by J.K Rowling.I have added other characters and added my own storyline.

Sorry if any information is inaccurate.

The epilogue of Deathly Hallows is the part when their kids are boarding the train but as I haven't read it yet I made my own up version for that part.

I have finally finished reading the Harry potter series & I have read the epilogue so I realise some of my information is inaccurate as I made it up myself so I have tweaked some.

I would only advise reading this if you have either seen the movies or the books because you will have a clear idea of what most things look like (e.g Hogwarts).

If there is any mistakes please comment and tell me what the mistake is so I can fix it thanks.

Dedicated To Haleema.

Chapter One - The First Day

From what I heard about Hogwarts from my mum I was partly excited and then partly agitated.What if no one liked me? What if I was bad at every subject? I fretted a lot about it in the days coming up to September 1st.

My mum told me many stories of her time at Hogwarts.She told me about the famous Harry Potter ( my uncle ) and how she met my dad ,Ron.She told me about Voldemort (everyone apparently used to called him

you-know-who) and Hagrid , who seems to be really funny and the kindest person in the world.

Everything she told made me intrigued and sad that I couldn't experience all those amazing stories and that they would never happen to me.I would have stories to tell about my time at Hogwarts although I doubted them to be as extraordinary as my parents stories.

There was two things I was most excited for: quidditch and the feasts.Though much jubilance filled me when I though of all the new friends I would meet , that's if anyone wanted to be my friend.

I am currently in my second year right now though I want to take you back to my first day , the first time I stepped foot in Hogwarts.

September 1st

Kings Cross Station

"Rose have you got everything?" My mum asked me for the seventh time.

"I think so , dad can you pass me Nella." I asked , heaving my trunk onto the trolley.

"I think your cat needs a bigger cage." My Dad said and lifted Nella onto my trolley.

"Okay I think I am ready." I said , ignoring what my Dad said and I checked I had everything.

"Ah I can't believe your finally going to Hogwarts , it seems like just yesterday." My mum said , tears rushed down her face.

"C'mon Hermoine we better let Rose get on that train." My dad said and gave me a fleeting hug. "So that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him in every test, Rose. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains." My Dad noticed Malfoy's son and grimaced.

"Oh Ron I am sure he won't be as bad as his Dad." My Mum pointed out.She turned to me and said "Now I want you to enjoy every moment of your time at Hogwarts.We will send you letters and just have fun Rose.We love you." My mum said quickly as she was alarmed by the time and gave me a long hug , tears still rushing down her face.

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