Chapter Three

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Thank you Haleema1996 who helped me with this chapter :)

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Chapter Three - New Friend

I spent the rest of my second day in the hospital wing , alongside Albus , Aphina and Scorpius.After being yanked backwards by Scorpius there was an explosion.I don't remember much but a few things I did remember were: piercing screams and an ear-splitting bang , also Scorpius bleeding on the floor and an agonising pain in my foot.

When I woke up I was really bewildered.My vision was blurred but I could see 3 blobs , that looked a lot like people , laying in beds.

I groaned as I tried to stretch but my ankle was burning.

"Rose don't move!" A lady demanded.It was Madame Pomfrey , the matron.I had met her in the Leaky Cauldron ages ago.She bustled over to me , forcing a spoonful of medicine into my mouth.

I glanced over to Scorpius who was laying motionless on the hospital bed beside me and then on my other side there was Albus who was already awake .He was staring at the ceiling his hands clasped together over his stomach.The medicine tasted unpleasant.

Many questions buzzed round my head.Scorpius had been there , maybe he came looking for us and then the unfortunate turn of events led us to all being in hospital beds.

Aphina was sat up in her bed her head in her hands.Her arm was bandaged and she looked like she was trembling.

Madame Pomfrey was pacing up and down , a stern look on her face. Struggling , I sat up in my bed and tried to remember what had happened.Then the doors of the infirmary swung wide open , Professor Mcgonagall came in her robes halfway in the air because of her fast walking.

"I just got notified , what has happened?" Professor Mcgonagall asked Madame Pomfrey worriedly.She glanced over to us and then turned back to Madame Pomfrey.

"The dark mark appeared in the sky and then there was an explosion , many people were outside but only this lot got injured.I don't know about this one , he has been unconscious for a long time." She explained and pointed to Scorpius.

I looked at Scorpius' motionless body , and a surge of worry went through me.

"Oh my." Professor Mcgonagall said.She walked over to Albus , distressed and anxious.I looked over to Albus and he had fallen back asleep.

"He reminds me so much of Harry.James looks more like Ginny." Professor Mcgonagall said.

"When did you last see Harry and Ronald and Hermione?" Madame Pomfrey questioned.

"A long time ago.I wonder if Harry still keeps playing quidditch."

"I wonder how he and Ronald are doing at the Auror department."

"My Dad loves it." I said , unaware that I had just practically butted into their conversation.They both looked at me and smiled.

"Miss Weasley , what do you remember?" Mcgonagall asked as if she had only just noticed I was awake.

"Well I -- There was the dark mark in the sky as we walked to lesson from Hagrid's and then an explosion.Scorpius was pulling me backwards and then I passed out.I heard screams." I replied , starting to remember more and more."There was a man in a cloak near the forest.A lot of men actually."

Aghast , Professor Mcgonagall shuffled around Albus's bed and glared down at me through her glasses.

"Thank you for telling me , I understand you must be in shock so I will leave you to rest."

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