Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen - The Marauder's Map

I woke up very early the next day.The sky was still pitch black.

I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't.I paced the dormitory restlessly and decided to just browse through trunk and try and make it more organized.

I groped the bottom of the trunk to see what was lying beneath all my clothes , books and bits and bobs.

I discovered Nella's old cat treats and many sweet wrappers.

After disposing the items I went to the common room and done my Transfiguration homework.Coincidentally , Albus was already in the common and he too was doing his Transfiguration.

I stepped down the last step and Albus had his back to me.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked."Rosie."

"How did you know it was me?" I said.

"Lucky guess."

I sat in an armchair opposite him.

"It isn't due in till Wednesday so why are you doing it now?" I asked curiously.

"Didn't know what else to do." He said plainly.

"Same." I said.

"Great minds think alike." He said happily.

Gradually many people came down to the common room and left for breakfast.Me and Albus went down together.

As we turned the corner to go down the marble staircase , a rat scampered up the stairs.

"Ah!" I exclaimed.I jumped backwards unaware Albus was behind me.

"Ow!" He shrieked as I stamped on his foot.

"Oops sorry." I apologized and we carried on down the stairs.Wondering who owned the rat I entered the Great Hall.

When the owls flew in and dropped a small scrawled up piece of parchment , I quickly opened it and read it to Albus.

Dear Rose and Albus ,

Come see me at 12 tonight.


I looked at Albus and gave him the do-you-know-what-this-is-about stare and he shook his head.

"How are we supposed to get out of the castle at 12! Security is really tight." Albus said.

"Wait, your brother took the Marauder's map from your dad's desk didn't he?"

He nodded."And the invisibility cloak."

"Then we are sorted!" I said.

"I will steal it off him later.We will stay in the common room till everyone has gone."

I agreed.

About ten minutes to 12 when the common room was empty , me and Albus hid ourselves under the cloak.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Albus said and pointed his wand on the map that before looked like a blank piece of folded parchment but then writing dispersed across it.

Argus filch , the caretaker , was pacing the corridor on the third floor.We went out of the portrait hole.

"Invisibility cloaks do not fool me." Dumbledore laughed.I turned and his eyes were looking directly at me; he knew exactly where we were.

His genial smile made you happy even on the dullest of days.

Finally reaching the large oak doors , we stepped out and onto the grass and headed down to Hagrid's.

The sky was jet black and littered with twinkling tiny stars.

Still concentrating on the map , we walked across the grass.

I tapped on the door lightly and the half-giant Hagrid opened the door.

"'Ello!" He said cheerily.

"Hi Hagrid." I said.We waited at the threshold as Hagrid picked up numerous objects.Then I noticed Fang in the corner on the bed."Fang!" I exclaimed.

"He has bin gettin' better.Not as energetic as he use to be though."

I stroked Fang who slobbered all over my arm.

"So what was very important that we had to come see you so late?" Albus asked.

"We are going teh the Forest.Got somethin' I want to show yeh."

Curiosity filled me but a little fear as well.There have been many bad stories about the Forbidden Forest.

Another short one.

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