Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two - The Last Horcrux

"No! Give it to me! Just hand it over." I said exasperatedly.I perfected Albus's potion and finished mine.

Professor Potus dismissed us early and we went to dinner.

Harold's army arrived halfway through dinner as well as my parents, my uncle and aunt and two Aurors; Evanna Roberts and Matt Hinchcliff.

After dinner had finished everyone who got chosen to be in the army stayed behind.

Uncertain if me, Albus and Scorpius should stay behind, I asked Professor Mcgonagall.

"I thought you would like to see your family so by all means stay here for a bit." She said.

"I will leave you to see your parents." Scorpius said.I watched him leave and felt guilty for just letting him go.

I walked over to my parents and hugged them.The hug filled me with warmth and gave me some hope.Maybe we would win this and Voldemort would be defeated.

"How have you been?" I asked my dad.

"You don't need to worry about me.How are you two?" My dad asked me and Albus.

"Well Voldemort - an evil wizard who wants you two dead - is going to be here soon, so not great." I said.

"What she said." Albus said whilst being squeezed by his mum.

"Where's James?" My uncle asked.

"He is over there.We thought he should be in the army.He is really good." Albus said.

Then I remembered to ask:

"Dad, can I be in it?"

"No way." My dad shouted, his voice reverberated around the hall.

"Why not?" I said indignantly.

"Your too young Rose." My mum said.

"You know I am good at spells.I run the duelling club!" I said, louder than intended.

"You are not old enough! Rosie please!"

My dad beseeched.

"I want to help!" I said angrily.

"Fine.You can help us find the last Horcrux." My mum said calmly."It is fundamental to the destruction of Voldemort.We think it is hidden in the Forbidden Forest.We should take the whole army actually." My mum added and began talking more to my dad then me.

Out of the blue a chair came hurtling towards us.I quickly ducked and the chair leg touched my hair.

I looked around to see the person that had done that and James was coming over.

"Sorry! I was trying to practice the Reductor curse but it went a bit wrong." He said worriedly.

"Merlin's beard! You nearly had my head off." My dad said.

"Ron don't exaggerate." My mum said.

"Attention!" Professor Mcgonagall yelled."We will stay here and help putting the protective charms around the school, then some will go with Harry, Ronald and Hermione.Students that are experts with the shield charm please use the incantation Protego Maxima."

Many people moved about.

Everyone departed the Great Hall and went through the colossal oak doors.Everyone stood with their wands out.

"Protego Maxima." I said.Blueish white light shot out of my wand.I looked to see everyone's wands shooting out the same coloured light.

My dad and mum were saying "Fianto Duri" and my uncle and aunt were saying "Repello inimicum."

The three spells combined made the most spectacular protective dome over Hogwarts.

I wasn't sure how I felt at that moment.Seeing the protection made me feel safer.It gave me an ounce of hope.

The next moment I was walking with Albus to the Forbidden Forest, our parents by our side.Our arms linked, me and Albus walked to the forest.

Lots of questions went through my head.

"Wait how are we supposed to destroy it?" Albus asked exactly what I was thinking.

"The sword of Gryffindor of course." My auntie said who I didn't notice was swinging a sword.

"Ooo can I have a look." Albus said, goggling at the sword.

"No way.I know what you are like Albus.You broke your wand the second you go it." My aunt said.

I chortled but tried to make it seem like a cough when I saw Albus's face.He was looking very annoyed.

"So what exactly does this thing look like?" I asked.

"We believe it to be a small box.Probably made of gold." My uncle said.

We reached the edge of the forest.It was not long ago that I was in the forest, not searching for a part of Voldemort's soul but looking at a unicorn with Hagrid.I had seen Hagrid at dinner, he said he was going to get some centaurs to help.

The forest, an eerie and spine-chilling place, was annoyingly large and the deeper you got, the bigger the roots and trees became.

I stayed close the Albus who was trembling constantly.

"Lumos." I muttered to my wand.Everyone else done the same.

"Accio Horcrux." My mum said.Nothing happened.

"Eh, worth a shot." My dad said.

Suddenly a large inferno bursted in front of us and started chasing us.It was wild and untameable.The rush of fear struck through me like a lightning bolt.Panic overwhelmed me.It seemed to everywhere.The heat making sweat pour down my face.There was no escape.



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