Chapter Eighteen

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Dull is actually a last name btw.

27,830 words later. . . . .

Chapter Eighteen - Patronus

My time in the hospital wing was very short.

Someone put a potion in the pumpkin juice and half of the people at the dance fainted.Luckily I got a bed in the hospital wing , some students had to be in the corridors.Madam Pomfrey was very anxious throughout treating me which only took about a minute then she bustled over to another student.Randomly , most of the people that drank the pumpkin juice were second-years.I only saw another first-year in the wing and it was Albus.Fortunately , we left the hospital wing the day after the dance.Whoever put the potion in the juice had ruined a lot of people's Valentine's day.Despite my head still pounding I was looking forward to duelling club.

Professor Dull , the History of Magic teacher , was supervising the duelling club.He had an impassive face and a gruffly voice.

"According to Miss Weasley here you are doing the Patronies--"

"Patronus." I corrected.He gave me a glare and continued...

"Charm.So do what you have to do."  He walked off and sat into a chair by the side and began marking.

It was very obvious that he didn't care or have any enthusiasm towards duelling.

"Since Professor Hanes is ill and he had the dementor you can practise conjuring it.Pretend your friend is some soul-sucking beast." Albus said happily.I turned to Albus and imagined him in a black cloak and hovering around.

"Professor Dull is very dull." I said.

"John Benjamin Dull , half-blood and has a muggle mother." Scorpius said.

"And how do you know that?" I asked curiously.

"He done some article for the Prophet.Not that I read it.First two lines and I was asleep."

I laughed and got my wand out.

"I love my Patronus - Phoenix's are such exquisite creatures." I said.

Scorpius nodded in agreement."Expecto Patronum." He said and a feeble Patronus shot out of his wand.He sighed and said "I can't do it."

"You just need to focus.You can do it." I said encouragingly.I quickly scanned the room to see how people were doing; there was definitely an improvement.

"Expecto Patronum." I said.Unluckily , my Patronus was feeble too and only consisted of a shot of silver vapour.

"Expecto Patronum." Albus said.I really hoped that at least one out of me , Scorpius and Albus would suceed.A stag erupted from his wand and galloped around the room.Albus pounded his fist in the air and shouted "Hooray!"

This made me even more determined to be able to do it again and sucessfully for the second time.

I must of said incantation so many times but I couldn't conjure a full and corporeal Patronus.Frustration took over and I knew I had done it before but simply couldn't do it again.Not enough happiness drived me and I gave up after about 20 attempts.Fortunately , most people got a decent Patronus conjured.

I walked back up to the common room feeling lethargic and tired.

I am going to do shorter chapters from now on.Exactly 500 words.

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