Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten - Voldemort's Return

The dueling club was going really well.I guess you could say it was a sort of service and opportunity.We wanted people to be prepared for anything.Professor Hanes taught us one jinxes and hexes that were good on dueling.
The most difficult was the shield charm , Protego , which was really difficult.He told us some adults can't conjure a decent one and he wouldn't expect any of the fourth and below to be able to.
Mine was very feeble and didn't block much.Throughout the next few lessons we practiced and practiced the shield charm until most of us had at least got a decent shield.
On a Saturday in the common room I had a piece of parchment with everybody names on that go to the dueling club in Gryffindor.

Gryffindor First Years:


Gryffindor Second Years:


Gryffindor Third Years:


Gryffindor Fourth Years:


Gryffindor Fifth Years:


Gryffindor Sixth Years:


Gryffindor Seventh Years:


Albus had Ravenclaw's , Scorpius had Slytherin's and Professor Hanes had Hufflepuff's.

I enjoyed talking to Dumbledore before going into the common room; He gives a lot of good advice.

We finally got to practice flying in lesson.I wasn't too bad.Albus was the best in the class and Elena Reynolds.

Lessons were fine and the dueling clubs were going great.
I had another duel with Albus and one with Scorpius; I won both.
Most people said that if death eaters came to our school they would be prepared and the dueling club had been able to render much help to their spell knowledge.

It had been 3 months since any 'Voldemort activity' had occurred.The Daily Prophet supplying was with the latest news from outside Hogwarts.
On a Thursday I remember what the front cover said:


Kingsley Shacklebolt , Minister Of Magic , gives an exclusive interview to the Daily Prophet.

Nowadays , it is filled with very boring articles:
Plant Mania
Felavina Alison Vinall has been found growing illegal plants , Hand Chopper Traps , in her garden.
Pub War
The Three Broomsticks has been awarded Best Pub for 20 years but The Unicorn And The Dragon has apparently been very popular this year.
Auror Recruitment
Want to catch dark wizards and become a hero?
The ministry is recruiting new Aurors.
Have you got what it takes?
Tests on February 12th.

The Daily Prophet was delivered to me everyday at school.
I always scanned it first for anything about Voldemort.

It was a Wednesday when Voldemort came back and I remember it too well.

I was in Charms and we were revisiting the levitation charm.
"Wingardium Leviosa." I must of said about ten times in that lesson.The lesson was interrupted suddenly.

I was daydreaming out the window and noticed the window was fogging up and black thick smoke diffused through the windows.It was coming nearer and many people started screaming and moving backwards.
"Stay Calm!" Professor Flitwick shouted.A grey vapor poured out his wand and the black smoke disappeared.He looked very bewildered as he helped Elena Reynolds off the floor."Follow me."
We followed him to the great hall where it was jam-packed with panicky students.The ceiling , that is bewitched to look like the sky , was an ominous jet-black.
"What's happening?" Scorpius whispered.He had came over to us with Naz.He grabbed me and Albus by the arm and we stood at one of the walls.
"I don't know.You don't think you-know-who is coming back." Albus said.
"Albus everyone calls him Voldemort now.It is just a name.I thought you didn't mind it." I said calmly.We weren't the only one suggesting this , I could hear many people whispering frantically about Voldemort.I was about to ask Scorpius what he thought but Professor Mcgonagall had entered and the chatters died down.
"We need you to stay inside.No matter what! Prefects make sure no one leaves the great hall.Head boy and girl follow me.Have your wands out everyone."
Prefect , Jack Jordan , made Scorpius and Naz go to the Slytherin First years despite no one telling us we had to go into houses.
I got my wand out my robes and I just wanted to use all my knowledge of these new spells against Voldemort.
"Albus." I said after 10 minutes of us entering the great hall.
"Do you think I'd be a good Auror?"
He didn't reply for a few seconds.
"Yes! I think you'd be a great Auror , like your dad."
"And your dad."
I wanted to ask him if he wanted to be an Auror but there was an explosion and then piercing screams.
I remember hitting the floor and seeing blood drip down my face , Jack yelling lots of spells and then Albus helping me up.
I was disorientated for a while and then as my vision adjusted , I could see death eaters among the students , waving their wands and flashes of light flying out of the tips.All the teachers of the school must of been in the great hall among the students as well.I couldn't see Voldemort anywhere , which sparked anger inside of me.
He can't stand here and do it himself.
Albus hand his arm around me as I could barely stand; I was wobbling about all over the place.
"We need to leave." He whispered in my ear.
"No we need to help." I said and tried to release myself from his grasp.
"Your injured Rose!"
"I don't care.I am going to help."
He didn't let go off me though.
"You are my family.We will do this together."
We headed right into the crowd , that was made up of teachers , death eaters and students.I had my wand in front of me.
There was a death eater coming towards us.
"Expelliarmus!" Albus bellowed.The death eater blocked it and muttered "Flipendo!" His wand was pointed directly at Albus , who then got flung backwards.I quickly moved his arm and luckily didn't get pulled back.
"Confringo!" I cried , so angry at the death eater for hurting my cousin.
The death eater blocked it and was about to say something before I shouted the curse again and again.On the fourth time I shouted it and the death eater didn't get time to block it and there was a large inferno and the death eater was gone.
I quickly turned around and helped Albus up.I could see Scorpius only a few metres away.He fell to the floor and I bolted over , yelling "Petrificus Totalus" at the death eater.I fell to my knees by Scorpius and looked down at him.
He won't be dead.I assured myself.It wasn't the killing curse; there wasn't the green light.
Albus had came over and was telling me to leave with Scorpius.Albus had seen Voldemort lurking about in the entrance hall.
After he informed me off this I immediately turned my head to see if I could see him.There was the crowd of students and teachers and about three death eaters blocking the sight of the entrance hall.It was reassuring knowing that there were now more teachers that death eaters.
When I turned my head back to Scorpius , I saw that his eyes were open.
"Scorpius!" I said happily and me and Albus lifted him up off the floor.He was very dazed as we walked over to the door that led into a chamber.Checking no one had noticed us we slipped through the door.As we stepped down the wide staircase , my arm around Scorpius , we suddenly stopped.A voice was ringing inside my head and I saw Scorpius and Albus press their hands against their ears and fall to the floor.
Without realizing , I done that as well.
Then there was a voice , the evil voice of Voldemort.
"Bring me Albus Potter and Rose Weasley in the next 30 minutes and you will live.If I do get given what I want I shall kill you all one by one."

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