Chapter Twenty Five

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So close to the end now!

Chapter Twenty Five - The Second Battle Of Hogwarts [Part One]

I felt safe with my dad.I was prepared.My knowledge of spells was better than most first-years; I was probably the only one that had read all their books before arriving at Hogwarts.I had never comprehended the fact that I could die on that night.My family could die.My friends.Scorpius was near the back.I kept glancing back to see what he was doing but I never caught his gaze.
The atmosphere was eerie and not many people talked.Their eyes were focused on the entrance.
Then ominous dark clouds gathered ahead.
Death Eaters, Giants and Dementors appeared at the entrance.Malicious smirks on the Death Eaters faces and the Dementors creating the bitter cold that penetrates your skin.
Then I saw Voldemort standing at the front of his followers.
"Whatever happens.Remember I love you." My dad whispered to me.He grabbed my mum's hand.
I thought about Aphina.She had been murdered by Voldemort and I wouldn't let that happen to anymore of my friends or family.
The words my dad said filled me with hope and made me more determined.
At that moment all the Death Eaters and Voldemort's wands shot out red and the shield around Hogwarts partly shattered.
Instantaneously everyone put their wands aloft and shuffled about.
The red shot out of the enemies wands again and this time nearly all of the shield shattered.Panic gripped me.How did they destroy the shield so quickly and easily.
"Listen! I want everyone, when I say now, to shout Confringo." My uncle said to everyone.
The enemy was approaching and I felt panicky now.
They were now a mere ten metres away and ready to shout spells.Voldemort must have moved to the back as I couldn't see him anymore.
"Now!" My uncle yelled.
"Confringo!" We all shouted simultaneously.
Fire shot out of every wand and hit the Death Eaters and they blasted apart.
Then the Dementors flew in.Nearly everyone shouted "Expecto Patronum" and Patronus's erupted from their wands.My Patronus was successful and corporeal and ignited more hope inside of me.
The dementors got flung backwards by the Patronus's.With my hands still around my dad's neck, I was feeling less panicky and worried.Death Eaters emerged from the fire that was still ablaze.They began shooting curses at us.My parents both yelled Protego and formed a shield around us.The Death Eaters were so close now.
One was approaching us and his jinxes were hitting off the shield.
"Stupefy!" Me and my mum both shouted at the Death Eater and along with my dad's curse made him lift into the air and hit the ground ten metres away.
My dad held his hand out and I high fived it.
There was at least three people against one Death Eater and then the giants came.
I could see Albus with his parents duelling against two tall Death Eaters.I saw Scorpius near two seventh-years duelling a Death Eater.My parents were shouting spells at a Death Eater.
A curse shot past my ear and missed me by a mere centimetre.I turned around to see a Death Eater behind me.
"Petrificus Totalus!" I cried.
"Hey that's my daughter!" I heard my dad shout and he turned around.
The Death Eater fell to the floor, his legs stiff.
My dad turned back around and as I turned my head I saw a green light coming towards me.

There is three parts to the battle.
Next update tomorrow maybe :)

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