Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen - The Unexpected Article

When Sunday came the sky was a forlorn grey with patches of very dark grey.

I changed into my robes and walked with Pix to breakfast.

Sitting myself at the Gryffindor table , I immediately reached for the toast rack.

Several owls swooped down and dropped letters or parcels onto the tables.The Daily Prophet came and I slipped a Knut into the pouch of the small barn owl and unfolded it and read aloud.


Recent research has discovered the method behind Voldemort's return.

Felivan Accardo , an Italian wizard , has told the ministry that a potion has brought Voldemort back.

Though there is no records of a spell that can reawaken the dead , there must be something that brought the darkest wizard of all time back.

This phenomenon has puzzled the ministry , who are still relentlessly battling the Death Eaters , and they have put their best witches and wizards to the job.

On a different note , there have been rumours that Voldemort has split his soul again.

Horcruxes - very dark magic - have been used by Voldemort before.

Barnaby McKean , a 30 year old wizard and well-known author of the Best Heroes And Their Heroic Stories Of All Time , told the ministry that they should be searching for Voldemort's new Horcruxes.The ministry have told Barnaby that there is no evidence to this rumour but they promise they will look into it.

For a full definition on Horcuxes , see page 23."

"What!" Albus said and accidentally spat toast in my face."Oops sorry."

I wiped my face with a napkin and read over the article again.

"Didn't he had six Horcruxes before - I've heard the story." I said.

"Yes! Our parents destroyed them and Professor Longbottom killed that snake." Albus said , quite enthusiastically.

"So if he has made Horcruxes the only way anyone will kill him , again , is by destroying the Horcruxes." I said.

"Well don't worry.The Auror's are probably on the case." Albus said.

Professor Mcgonagall done a quite thought-provoking speech:

"I want to say something to you all that I hope will make you think.Never will evil be eradicated.Never.Evil will lurk somewhere: in us , around us.Evil can consume the good out of people.Voldemort is evil and there is no doubt about that , however , just because he is evil and he does what he wants doesn't mean you can.You need to stay strong and vigilant and above all else stay close to your friends.Security has been substantially tightened in and around the school grounds.We can't guarantee that he won't come back here but we will be prepared; more prepared than ever.Relinquish your bad feelings and be happy."

She paused and looked down her spectacles at us and then continued..

"And the notices: there is a Hogsmeade trip on Valentine's day for third years and above , anyone who participates in the duelling club there will be a session on the 15th , Professor Flitwick has asked me to notify anyone that is in the choir that there will be no practice until next month."

Valentine's day.I had completely

forgotten about it.

Many couples were talking about the trip on Valentine's day as we left the Great Hall.

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