Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One - Assemble

An army: something I really wanted to be in.I wanted to do anything to help defeat Voldemort and his followers.The vehement desire to do something that will help kill Voldemort was eating away at my concentration.

I woke up quite early in the morning , only getting about 6 hours sleep.Exhausted , I got dressed and went to breakfast.

Unexpectedly , Professor Mcgonagall made a speech about the army:

"Outside sources have informed us that Voldemort is coming back to the castle.The Aurors are sending Harold's Army here and they are coming to give additional protection.Anyone who participates in the duelling club we think will be ideal to be put in Harold's Army.It is not compulsory and Portkeys can be arranged as soon as any of you would like to leave.We believe Hogwarts is safe but this is Voldemort we are unfortunately talking about and he is capable of exceptional dark spells.Professor Hanes has agreed to give any additional help to you if you really want to know better defensive spells.Duelling club , please see me in my office when the bell goes."

Excited that there might be a possibility of being in Harold's Army , I ate my food quickly.The post came and a letter dropped down in my luckily empty bowl.Hoping it was from my parents , I opened it and read it to Albus:

"Dear Rose and Albus ,

Please let James know about this news.We didn't have a chance to write two letters.

We have discovered a Horcrux and we intend to destroy it as soon as possible.Minerva has told us about the duelling club.We can't have you being too close to Voldemort , he will use you to get to us.Stay with each other and don't go running off.I know you stole my map and cloak Albus.

All our love ,

Your parents."

"I will go tell James." Albus said and walked up the Gryffindor table to where James was sitting.

After reading the letter a few times I put it in my pocket and finished my goblet of pumpkin juice.

Nearly all of Gryffindor tried to fit in Professor Mcgonagall's office as well as about a quarter of Ravenclaw and a few Slytherin's and Hufflepuff's.After her initial plan failed she made everyone go back to the Great Hall.

Finally , when everyone was seating and listening intently , she began.

"Harold's Army is mainly made up of seventh-years and I believe there is two sixth-years in it as well.So Rose , Scorpius and Albus we have made it your responsibility to assemble the best people from the duelling club , you know who is good and who is not as good.Harold's Army will be arriving this evening.Many Aurors will be arriving as well.You three have until tonight to decide.You can use the great hall for the next 45 minutes and then please attend your next lessons." She explained and left the Great Hall.

We had to make the decision.I was very exultant and I was looking forward to seeing my dad and uncle.I hoped they would be coming.

"Er well.We can individually judge you.So the shield charm , stunning and full body bind?" Albus said uncertainly and looked at me for assurance.I nodded.

"We will do it alphabetically.Could you all help to move the tables , thanks." I said.

When I was just grabbing a few chairs for me , Albus and Scorpius , a sixth-year asked me something.

"I think we should practice the Cruciatus Curse." He suggested.

"They are illegal." I pointed out.

"You used the killing curse."

I regretted doing that and I didn't even remember doing it.

"If we have time." I said.The guilt was flooding through me.

I had killed someone.It all came back to me.That night.That dreadful night.I tried to shake it out of my head and concentrate.

I looked out of the window for a distraction.There was a patch of daffodils that had blossomed over the previous week into divine flowers.

I felt an arm grab mine and lead me over to a seat.

"Are you alright Rose?" Albus asked.

"Er yes." I said.

"Abena your first." Scorpius said.

I got my wand out and was ready to shout a spell at Abena that she needed to block.

"Petrificus Totalus." I said.

"Protego!" Abena shouted , only a split second after.Her shield charm was very good and the spell hit off it.

One by one everyone had a turn.Scorpius , Albus and I alternated and each had a lot of goes at saying the spell that the person had to block.

Once everyone had finished me , Albus and Scorpius started choosing the best people.

We finally reached our verdict.We had chosen 20 people.

We told the people that got in that they got in and the others showed their disappointment and indignation on their facial expressions.

"Nick has asked if we should have a go at the Cruciatus curse."

As soon as I had said it everyone began to talk.

"Yes!" Many people shouted.

"Okay then.We can't really practice it but the incantation is crucio and you really have to meant it.You have to want to give so much pain to the person.I- I have used the killing curse against someone." I had to say it.It felt like it was clinging to my conscience and then I felt relieved.Many people gasped."I didn't know I was doing it.A death eater used the Cruciatus curse on me and then I just blacked out.Right enough about me.We are going to lesson now."

How I could concentrate in lesson , I don't know.I knew Voldemort and his Death Eaters were approaching.I didn't know when they would come but it would be soon.

8 more chapters and then finished!!


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