Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six - The Second Battle Of Hogwarts [Part Two]

"Rose!" I heard my dad scream.

The spell hit me in the stomach and I got flung off my dad's back.

I flew into the air and plummeted into the ground."Avada Kedavra!" I heard my dad bellow.

An arm grabbed me and shook me.

My head was pounding and my stomach felt like it was being ripped apart.

I cried out in pain.

"Dad!" I shouted.

He took me through the crowds of duelling students and Death Eaters and to Madam Pomfrey.

I collapsed onto a bed and saw a few students lying on beds too.

There was Scorpius, the head girl, Calixta and a sixth-year called Miles.

Scorpius wasn't awake and he laid motionless.

Was he dead? I thought.

No he couldn't.He is probably just unconscious.

I tried to reassure myself.

Madam Pomfrey bustled over with a green potion and forced it down my throat.

"The pain will gradually diminish." She reassured me.I could hear the battle carrying on.The loud explosions and people shouting various spells.The giants plodding about and making the castle rumble every time they put their feet down.

"Is he okay?" I asked Madam Pomfrey as she began to examine me.

I pointed to Scorpius.

"Oh he got stunned twice and it made him unconscious.He should be coming round soon though." She said solemnly.

He wasn't dead! He was alive.

Madam Pomfrey insisted I stayed here where it is safe but I wanted to carry on.The burning pain in my stomach was weakened and I was more determined then ever.I had the perseverance and I just wanted to get back out there.My wand was still in my hand as if it was permanently stuck to it.

As I sat there many people came in and out.Luckily, no one was dead.

I sneaked out when Madam Pomfrey was forcing down a healing potion down a fifth-years throat.

The area where the curse hit prickled with pain often but I felt reasonably okay.I looked out and saw considerably less Death Eaters then before.Voldemort was still nowhere to be seen.

I was about to go out but then a thought hit me.

I could wear the invisibility cloak.

I sprinted up the staircase and to the common room.The portraits were nearly all empty even though the school was still intact and the battle wasn't happened inside the school.

Dumbledore was sitting with a bowl of sherbet lemons.

"Password?" He said and smiled.

"Sherbet Lemons." I said, gasping for breath.

After grabbing the cloak I rushed back down to the Entrance Hall.As I swung it over me a voice started speaking:

"You have fought valiantly and there have been a few injuries.I ask for my forces to retreat.Death will not come to you if you bring me Harry Potter.I will be by the Whomping Willow in one hour.If you do not being me him I will kill every last one of you."

It was Voldemort's voice and as I looked around I could see everyone heard it too.

My uncle would go.He would go like he did in the first Battle of Hogwarts.

I didn't want my uncle to die.

I couldn't let him die.


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