Chapter Fifteen

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Next update in 3 days probably.


Chapter Fifteen - Back To Hogwarts

There was a vehement desire to carry on with the dueling club that swirled inside of me.Since the setup of Harold's army I was so determined to do anything I could to help fight Voldemort and his supporters.

On arrival at Hogwarts I immediately realized what a difference magic could make; the castle and grounds seemed revitalized.

I made my way up to the Gryffindor common room accompanied by Albus.

There was many puddles about the castle because Nearly Headless Nick was on a rebellion.We stepped around them gingerly and finally reached the common room.The password was Sherbet Lemons - Dumbledore's choice.

For the rest of Sunday me , Zak , Pix , Albus and Scorpius went down near the lake and played exploding snap and wizard chess.

It must of been over a week after we got back that the dueling club was back on.I asked Professor Mcgonagall about it and she was a bit skeptical but agreed.She was a bit concerned after I fainted.

One Monday I was in the Great Hall munching on a piece of toast and the Daily Prophet came.

I quickly unfolded it and read aloud so Albus and Zak and Pix could hear.

"There have been 26 captures over the past week of Death eaters.

Harry Potter , Head of the Auror office at the ministry , has been recruiting seventh years from Hogwarts alongside his best friend and fellow Auror , Ronald Weasley.They have formed a small army called Harold's army - a merge of their two names.

Many say that Harold's army has been the reason for why the increase of captures has occurred.

The fate of the Death Eaters lies in the hands of the ministry."

"Yeah way to go dad!" Albus said energetically and then carried on eating breakfast.

"Well I'm glad there making progress and this Harold's army isn't a complete waste of time." Zak said.

"26 death eaters! Wow that's a lot isn't it? How many could there be?" Pix asked.

"Definitely a lot! Well now I think about it a lot have died and a lot have been captured." I said curiously.

"Did you hear about Naz?" Albus asked.

"No what happened?" Zak asked concernedly.

"He was trying to fly Scorpius's Dragonbolt - you know the remake of the firebolt - and he crashed it into the wall and he is now in the hospital wing."

"It took them a long time to make a remake.Apparently the Dragonbolt is the best broom out there." Zak said absentmindedly as if Albus didn't say anything about Naz hurting himself.

"Ah that's horrible.Is he alright?" I asked.

"I think so.Scorpius said he cracked his skull but Madam Pomfrey has fixed it and he should be out tomorrow.It happened really early in the morning."

Zak and Pix began a debate on the Dragonbolt and the Nimbus Two Thousand and Twenty Two.

As a consequence of the collision between the wall and Scorpius's broomstick , the Dragonbolt now consisted of many fragments and twigs.

When my parents were at school you weren't allowed to bring your own broomstick but now you are permitted to.

Scorpius's indignation was still distinct despite him saying to Naz that it was okay and he didn't mind.

It was a Saturday when we started duelling club again.A hazy grey sky covered the ceiling of the Great Hall.

The usual Professors arrived: Flitwick , Hanes and Longbottom.Gradually the Great Hall filled with students , determination clear on their face.

Finally , when everyone was seated , we began.

"Hello! I think you have all pretty much mastered the shield charm.Professor Hanes suggested we should practice the Patronus charm - used to fight off dementors.It is quite complex but apparently not very tough if you have good concentration.We have got a real dementor - don't worry it is tamed and won't come kiss you.So could line up behind er -- Revina? Yes Revina." I said confidently.

As everyone lined up in a not-very-vertical line , I had a quick chat with Professor Hanes.

"Have you ever conjure a Patronus?" He asked me.

"Er no.Is it hard? I hope it isn't.According to my parents it can be quite difficult." I said , a bit worried.

"Don't worry.Just think of a really happy memory and you will be fine." He said reassuringly.

"Think of something happy! A really jubilant memory that makes you smile." Albus shouted.

Something about teaching the duelling class made me happy.Perhaps a teacher at Hogwarts would be a good choice for me I thought.

"You ready Revina?" Professor Hanes asked.She nodded and Professor Hanes opened the Great Hall doors and a cloaked creature swiftly made its way toward us.Its cloak billowing behind.The sound of it's rattling breath made my spine chill.Fleetingly , I saw a scabbed hand but then the cloak covered it.The room became considerably cold.It was a bitter cold; a cold that penetrated your skin and numbed your bones."C'mon Revina!"

"Expecto Patronum!" Revina cried.

A cat Patronus came shooting out her wand.It chased after the dementor and then disappeared.

"Impressive." Professor Hanes said and nodded in satisfaction."Right who next? Oh wait the dementor is leaving."

He rushed off after the dementor.

"Rose you should go." Scorpius suggested.

"Er okay then." I said nervously and I went to the front of the line.

"Hey I'm next!" Zak said indignantly.

"Well I run the club." I laughed.Professor Hanes came in , shortly followed by the dementor.Then the penetrable and bitter cold.

I had my wand grasped tightly in my hand.The dementor was coming closer and it seemed to be devouring my happiness gradually.

I thought of London and meeting Scorpius and him telling me that he liked me and my family and cauldron cakes - quite a weak choice.

"Expecto Patronum!" I shouted and I watched a phoenix erupt from my wand and shoot over to the dementor.I sighed in relief and fell into a chair."That is really difficult."

One by one everyone had a go at conjuring a Patronus; some were feeble and barely a shoot of silver vapour , others were extraordinary and were marvellous to watch.Elegantly , peoples Patronus's galloped , flew , ran at the dementor.

Albus's Patronus was a Stag and Scorpius's was a snake.I did get use to the cold suddenly hitting you when the dementor came back but it was quite irritating.

After everyone had finished Professor Hanes done a speech:

"Well done! Some of you have accomplished to conjure a Patronus which is seriously complex and advanced.Though you might not be able to think of a very happy thought that fills you with jubilance , you have tried.In some scenarios you will face a dozen dementors and it will be much more difficult.Never have I encountered that many dementors at once but I can assure you , from what people have told me , it isn't very pleasant.Anyway , anyone that struggled with it and found it particularly difficult , don't worry as it is a onerous task and fighting these creatures can be relentless.I and everyone that has had no difficulty with this will help you to bolster you Patronus's.I don't know if any of you have wondered why we are learning this if this is a duelling club but even though it won't really help you when you are duelling with witches and wizards , it will be very important if you are fighting Voldemort and his army; there are many dementors on his side.Okay off you go."

We all departed the Great Hall.

As I stepped up the marble staircase I wondered what it would be like to have 70 dementors around you , all trying to suck out your happiness.

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